A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 175,179,247 Issue: 370 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y10
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New Series

Messenger: The Journey North - Part One

We're located right behind the Petpet Supplies shop. We're a little red brick building with a corral, a kennel, and a yard off to the side. A wooden sign is nailed to the door, The Petpet Doctor.

by hedgehog_queen
Plushie Island: Part One

At the Plushie Palace, we don't have names. I'd never even heard of a "name" before, until Ginger came.

by majikel
Xavier's Quest: Part One

There were no celebrations to be found: no lights, no decorated trees, no singing from the Cliffhanger cliffs. Surely someone had noticed by now. Surely someone on Terror Mountain had realized what time of year it was.

by phadalusfish
The Fallen: Loved - Part One

The closer the month of Giving came, the further down Javiod sank into his despair. His heart ached as those around him celebrated...

by ayame_23
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"The Perfect Petpet for Sophie" by a_greenparrot
Sophie grabbed a stool and looked down at her concoction. It was a bubbling brown. She shook her head. "This isn't right," she muttered to herself. Suddenly the brown goop began to dry out and shrink. Soon all the she was left with was a pile of brown pellets. "Where did I go wrong?"

Other Stories


The Perfect Petitioners Day
Caspus was just thinking what a lovely and most perfect day it was when, as perfect things often do, everything went wrong.

by sariphe


A Trip to the Dentist
"Julia, we have to go," Olivia said. "The appointment is in five minutes and we've barely made it outside the house."

by maltese51191


The "Coolest" Looks for this Winter!
It's our goal to help you learn how to stay snuggly and warm while still looking fab-u-lous.

by huskergirl08


The Do-Gooders of Neopia
Where to start?

by kaitlinlovespuppies


The Secret Lives of Petpets

by randomsilliness


Faerie Questing
Where did I put my comb?

Idea by pseudo_philosopher

by cevierakasky

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