Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 175,179,247 Issue: 370 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y10
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Continued Series

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea: Part Seven

"Captain!" Roselia exclaimed quickly, jerking around to face him, her eyes wide. She hadn't expected him to be up so early...

by vanessa1357924680
Telzleh's Quest: Part Six

"If I were you, missy, I'd leave this place as soon as you can. Hard times have fallen on Roo Island."

by outsyder
The Elements of the Exploring: Part Four

"You'd better come with me," she called, trying to sound as welcoming as she could. "Otherwise you might never get out of here."

by iamcanadian1428
Defenders of Neopia: The Vacation - Part Five

The guards were the main problem at the moment. Jackal thought she had an idea as to how she might get rid of them, but...

by jokerhahaazzz
The Last Page: Part Five

With every puzzle I inscribed into the book, I was growing closer to the end, closer to the last page.

by silent_snow
Samson, the Pirate Lupe: Lost Memories - Part Three

"I'm afraid you'll have to get used to it," he said in a thin voice. "You won't get much peace and quiet down here."

by firedoomcaster
Shay Peters and the Clockwork Caper: Part Four

I knew his weaknesses, how to push his buttons. "I'm here to take back the key that you stole," I said.

Also by chocolateisamust

by sirussblack

The Yellow Gelert: Part Four

Chezzanne was delighted to have another sister, but Dellayn was not. She was suddenly the outsider.

by pixie_29
A Faerie Tale: War - Part Three

The Faerieland dungeons were not like the rest of the palace, covered in gleaming pink and purple. There wasn't a cloud in sight...

by herdygerdy
Another Hero's Journey: Decisions - Part Three

He sighed, staring at his reflection in his plate – were those dark circles beneath his eyes?

by precious_katuch14
Fyora and Celandra: From Servanthood to Friendship - Part Two

"Hey, did you hear Fyora's not well? She hasn't even been sitting in the throne room these few days," said one of the faeries.

by black_skull725
The Mirror: Part Two

His jaw dropped, drawing in breath after shaky breath. He was looking at a ghost!

by shadow_sabre_
A Quest For Art: Part Two

"The magic must be changing it," her new friend said. "Our decision to enter changed it."

by be2aware
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"The Mystery Island Breakfast Line" by skullkandies
Brandine sighs defeatedly and walks to the back with Laela. The line is still large, and once again, they have to wait their turn to get to the front. As they continue this endless wait, Brandine constantly reminds Laela NOT to get distracted, and NOT to leave the line for any reason. Laela tells her...

Other Stories


Von Roo's Tale
Von Roo continued, "I have been treated horribly, and wish to redeem myself to the citizens of Neopia. I wish to befriend them, not to scare them."

Also by akeyz

by chat_adik


Truly Rainbow Lane
Fireworks rock!

by tiquandowitch


How To Fail Spectacularly At Getting Game Avatars
I wanted those avatars, and thought, "Well, how hard can it be to get them?"

by blackmoorgurl


The Evils of Sakhmet Solitaire
The zombification process appears to occur after extended playing of Sakhmet Solitaire.

by cutie_pi111


Toilet Paper Scraps::
Poor Hasee... :(

by friedcheekin


The Horrors of Neoquest, part four

by kalvaja

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