The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 111,981,549 Issue: 223 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Now wait just a minute!" I jumped to my own rescue. "I have many fine, glorious qualities, and out of them all, humility is one of my finest!" I don't know why I have to tell her this so often.

Light Source?

Lots of the oddities of Neopia have been explored, but a simple thing we appear to take for granted has been left untouched. I’m talking, of course, about light. Without light we would never be able to see – except for those species of pet with night-vision, of course. Yet a quick trip to the “Explore” page confirms this fact; Neopia has no sun...

Mall Mania

Neopian Malls are spreading, as more and more Neopians become savvy on this subject: HTML. Cool graphics, fun backgrounds, and flashy cursors are just what those mall-owners need and have to grab a Neopian's attention when buying items like food, toys, medicine, books, battle, and grooming supplies. But recent research has shown...

The Cloud Racers

Yes, you know what trails they give off and what they look like and how incredibly fashionable a couple of them are. But where did those faeries ever get their vehicles? Did they make them or buy them? Did they use magic or did they build it themselves? *gasp from audience* I know, it’s very controversial. That’s why I’m here to give you all the details...

Other Stories
"Adee's Tale" by animegirl42602
Adee woke up one fine Neopian day and peered about her bedroom. She soaked in the warmth of her cotton ice cream cone printed blankets and snuggled into her ice cream cone shaped bed. The chocolate colored sheets felt cool to the touch and she let out a sigh...

"The Battle Faerie's Quest" by scitzofritz47
Aloria watched carefully as two Battledome Neopets fought. Brushing a thick strand of hair out of her eyes, Aloria turned away as the battle ended. Many Neopets and their masters or mistresses were filing out of the Battledome, talking endlessly about how terrific that battle was...

"Removing the Moach" by mystery_island111223
I found Junglecat on the floor playing with his Bearog Licorice. Junglecat was holding a piece of cookie and Licorice's three heads were fighting for it. Relieved that he was staying out of trouble I sat down and opened the latest issue of the Neopian Times...

The Labyrinths are Amazing

This week's issue is brought to you by: Ruins Rampage
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Great stories!


The Pirate Writer: Part Six
"Captain!" a few of the pirates yelled. "There's a leak in the ship. What shall we do?"

by czenko28


Evil Death
"Mr. Thade, sir?" the Gelert squeaked. "I have a riddle for you, Mr. Thade."

by dragoncatcher_sammy


Midnight over Meridell - Chapter II: Part One
"It's him, Snickedy," the Shoyru replied. "He's getting slightly out of control, I mean, it seemed all right when I agreed..."

by ratling_guardian


Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Seven
Deep in Hubrid Nox's mountain fortress, as Jeran dangled above it, Kass flailed against flitting shadows that whispered to him...

Also by schefflera

by ikkin_with_attitude


Lupe Life

by nr1sniper

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