Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 151,901,457 Issue: 213 | 20th day of Collecting, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Where had this dude gone to evil villain school? No restraining, no traps, he didn't even make sure that she was asleep before spouting important information!

Cheap But Neat

So, you're in Neopia Central, and you just realized: What in the world should you buy your pet?! There are tons of toys out there in Neopia!!! Well, I’m here to help. I will list some really great toys that will keep you and your Neopet busy for hours...

Weed It and Reap

I’m here to tell you how you, that’s right, YOU can grow a fabulous acreage that will have the neighbors in awe and random vegetable Chias attempting to bury themselves in your topsoil just so they can be near your fabulous, fabulous Neogarden...

Revisiting Pterattack

The game was revamped from the old version of Pterattack. The controls are the same from the old version, but there have been some changes, past the graphics. Here is just some basic information for the newly revamped game, so this just hits, mainly, all the revamped stuff in this game...

Other Stories
"Eating Your Neopoints" by mystery_island111223
He was just about to head to the Money Tree when he spied some neopoints on the table. He quickly counted them. There were thousands. Attached was a note that read 'For lack of food'. Min breathed a sigh of relief...

"Eliv Thade's Defeat" by sikki_lo
He could spend a week on one, or crank out twenty a day when he was in top form. He would send them out to the rest of Neopia, and in return would come neopoints to keep the castle running. So during the day, he created. At night, he solved...

"Lack of Inspiration" by hmlanden
The white Bori kicked the easel away and fled the small cavern. After all that hard work, she'd made one bad stroke and ruined it all: the best thing she'd ever painted, a surprise for the Keeper of Time. For years she had lived in this cave...

Is there really anything down there?

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Great stories!


Snow War III
Wes couldn't believe it. The blue Quiggle had been stranded out in Terror Mountain's outskirts for days with only his best friend...

by emperorzilk


To Live, to Perish, and to Grow Again
I always went past that particular Neohome on my way to school, just to see the Neogarden and the Ixi who lived there...

by aigroegdede


Bad Logic
What's your priority?

by graham_metalarm_cray


Cool (and Cheap) Toys to Buy for your Neopets
You and your pets are sitting inside your neohome, completely and utterly bored...

by lissie1118


Escape: Part Three
Food was being passed around and many of the villagers were dancing in time to the clapping of their fellow's paws. A tinge of regret stung Valrigard...

by firedragon9078

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