Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 155,374,126 Issue: 208 | 16th day of Gathering, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

If all else fails, dress up as a giant carrot. No one will suspect your real intentions.

Chasing the Chocolate

Chocolate is so popular these days that there is even a ball for it! As the chocolate ball approaches everyone is talking about going! But wait! The chocolate ball is by invitation only; everyone who is someone is going to be there. So just how do you get invited to the ball?

Uses for Your Petpets

Not many people have noticed, but Petpets also make the most fabulous temporary HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES when your toaster is broken or you’ve lost the scissors! This article is a guide dedicated to the top ten Petpet household appliances to use in your Neohome. Enjoy!

Lupe vs. Chia

As a proud Lupe owner, I began to wonder what caused my pet’s mouth to water with desire every time a Chia walked by and what caused that same Chia to run in terror at the sight of a Lupe. It was this strange mix of curiosity and lack of anything better to do that made me decide to find out just what fueled this vicious feud...

Other Stories
"Taking The Limelight" by yatomiyuka
The house looked so inviting from the outside, though obviously deserted. Even so, you're starting to wish you'd just stayed at home tonight and enjoyed a hot cup of borovan or something. Then you wouldn't have been so curious, and you wouldn't be here now, jumping at every shadow, every slam of a door...

"Tell Tessa" by star_29791
Remember when he first started Neoschool and he was teased and bullied for being so small for his age? One word from you put a stop to that. And after that, Little Leon was popular. It was like you had some kind of magic. He depended on you. Maybe too much for his own good. Maybe too much for yours...

"Terror" by numbertwelve
Kade stared at the bleakness that stretched out before him. Winter had come early, as it always did on Terror Mountain. The snow lay in a heavy sheets upon the frigid rock of the mountain and though the sun shone brilliantly, it lent no warmth to this day. Almister stood beside him...

The Wisdom of the Ancients

This week's issue is brought to you by: Word Pyramid
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The Cheesy Neos
Urp! *rumble*

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Sand Daughter: Part Two
"Oooh, yes! The sands have awaited this day with great eagerness!"

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Kougra Klub
To all the piles of sand out there... you guys rawk. xD

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