Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 155,374,126 Issue: 208 | 16th day of Gathering, Y7
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What Neopets Do Behind Your Back

We will be talking about what your pets do when they're alone in the Neohome and you aren't around to watch them like Eyries.

Also by chia625_2001

by precious_katuch14

We Are HUGE Rock Stars!!

Now I have to point out that Gruundo themselves are quite publicity shy and didn’t want to be interviewed when I sneaked backstage at their last concert...

by anya500
Advert Attack: Ten Tips for Everyone

One great thing to your advantage is that this game takes almost no skill whatsoever. Basically if you can click a mouse then you can play this game.

by zelda2222
King of the Castle

Fire thousands of Waterfish into the opponent’s castle. It will soon flood, and they will definitely surrender.

by demonfury666
Higher Score on Hungry Skeith!

If you are ready for a good challenge and extreme game play, this is the guide for you!

by w1ng_r3ssur3ct3d
Potatoes of Neopia

Why does everyone like potatoes so much?

by gandhigirls
Igloo Garage Sale - Watch Out for those Pianos!

So you’ve been playing Igloo Garage Sale for a while thinking, why can’t I get a high score in this game?

by flippy_85
Top Ten Petpet Household Appliances

Not many people have noticed, but Petpets also make the most fabulous temporary HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES when your toaster is broken or you’ve lost the scissors!

by candykitty
Out of Ink? Your Neopian Guide to School Supplies

School supplies are nothing to scream about. You just need to know what to get.

by dream_weaver_
How to Get Invited to the Chocolate Ball

Mmmmm, chocolate, something everyone knows and loves. Chocolate is so popular these days that there is even a ball for it!

by sevlow_12
Lupe vs. Chia: Reason Behind the Madness?

As a proud Lupe owner, I began to wonder what caused my pet’s mouth to water with desire every time a Chia walked by...

by twirlsncurls5
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Chasing the Chocolate

Chocolate is so popular these days that there is even a ball for it! As the chocolate ball approaches everyone is talking about going! But wait! The chocolate ball is by invitation only; everyone who is someone is going to be there. So just how do you get invited to the ball?

Other Stories


Dr. Yotaria's Sanity is Going, Going... Gone!
So here it was. My second day of psychoanalyzing celebrities for extra pocket money, and I didn't have anything...

by extreme_fj0rd


The Pool Party
"Urgh, it's so hot," moaned Janie suddenly as she took a sip of her lukewarm lemonade, then placed it back on her stomach...

by chocolateisamust


Perspective: Part Three
Nick woke up in one of the many cribs that lined one of the walls of the room...

by gator2468


Ancient Neopia: Part Nine
As they stepped inside the Mountain Fortress, a shiver went down Jarod's spine. There were no monsters to be seen...

by articuno_neo


It's the deserted tomb!

by amanda354635


Smelly Nelly
"Goes to a restaurant."

by i_hate_backstabbers

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