Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 95,556,587 Issue: 188 | 28th day of Eating, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

I mean, it's a Sand Snowball! How can sand be snow?!

Clowning Around

Sure to bring smiles to the young and the young at heart, clowns have certainly found a home here in Neopia. The most famous of course being the Chia Clown. But that is not to say that we must rely only on the "professionals" to bring out a happy mood in us when all else seems to be clouded over in grey...

Kelp Help

Ah, the grand ribbon has just been cut to a new, fancy and exclusive restaurant in Maraqua: Kelp. Kelp is filled with young and old, rich and classy Neopians from all over. This fine and exotic restaurant has several exquisite and luscious meals to drool over...

Designing With Color

Now that you have selected materials for the walls of your NeoHome, it is time to select the other elements of the room. Basically, this comes down to choosing colors. You want each room to reflect its use as well as your style...

Other Stories
"Shades of Grey" by eternally_forgotten
To her, the world was only different shades of grey. In the harsh world of reality, those who are different do not survive for long...

"A Tasty Spell" by faeriestories
You know how sometimes people say you can have too much of a good thing? I think Cabbie has first hand experience now...

"Gallery of Evil: Vira" by costa_rican_girl
The faerie Acara’s name was Vira, and she was perhaps one of the most beautiful Acaras in Neopia, or at least that was how she put it...

Ready... FIGHT!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Meepit Vs Feepit
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Great stories!


Moonlit Peaks: Part Four
"We'll head off as soon as we can. I need to rescue those two pets before their lunatic owners lose me my job."

by battlesunn


Crazed, Whatever That Means?
Not feeling so good...

Also by patrick3675

by humblely


At Bay With Mrs. Prenderghast: Part Two
Oh yes! I had forgotten I was in the hallway of Mrs. Prenderghast's house. Confused, I looked around. Right inside that room, an illusion of my most leisurely dream existed. But here in the hallway, I realized what was going on...

Also by hottamale0774

by springsteen0991


Green's Days
Green's worst enemy...

by megawolf77


Tails of Terror: The Malice of Mr Squishy - Part Two
"Togger!" she exclaimed, scooping the Petpet up into her arms and rocking him gently. "There there, Mr Squishy, it's alright, that big nasty Gelert won't hurt you again-"

Also by neonick19881988

by huggsy_666

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