Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 90,555,321 Issue: 168 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y6
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"No way, my pets have to have the best!" she laughed. "Even if it means I have to give up my own wants…"


Manners. Some people have them, and some people don't. Or perhaps we all have them, and some of us have let ours rust a bit. Whether you're a newbie or an oldy-moldy, manners (or the lack of) are what makes a first impression at the NeoBoards. It only makes sense that good manners will create a good impression... so why not take a step back and just look at your manners?...

Hard to Resist

When someone says the word 'cookie' what does your pet do? Jump up & down and look around excitedly? Whether it's a Chocolate Chip Cookie, Kiko Lake Cookie, White Chocolate Cookie, you always have your pet's uttermost attention when you mention the 'C' word. I mean, seriously, which Neopet’s mouth doesn’t water when someone mentions the word ‘cookie?’.

My New Best Friend

Let's start with him first. The Tombola Man DOES NOT have to run Tombola, the game is for all of you. Do you think he has fun standing in front of a box all day in the hot sun? All he does is watch people stick their hands into the box grabbing for a piece of paper. If you had to do that, you wouldn't last half an hour! But ya know what? HE DOES THIS EVERY DAY! He sees the same old hands every single day, same old tickets every single day, and same old box that still won't break, every-single-day...

Other Stories
"The Snood Squad" by cheopspyramid
Always poking in others' business and constantly trying to find something wrong with anything that someone was doing. This got them into deep trouble that day...

"The Pilfering Petpet" by ladyarienwen
I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and into my fuzzy blue slippers. Well, at least one of my fuzzy blue slippers. The other seemed to have gone missing...

"The Truth About Jack" by evumeimeidingzai
He always could feel the pull, the force. It haunted him, day and night. He was born to be good, he was sure - yet he could feel Jhudora's call to him always...

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Great stories!


Not Just Another Neopet
"Evil Peas"

by everybody_say_moo


Oh Holidays

by alisha_star11


The Neo Experiment
Is he good or is he evil? Nobody really knows...

by mystic_dragon_4


All the Pretty Bubbles
The ultimate test nightmare...

by naniwai_illusion


Version: My Pets
Girlish figure?

by blue_bunny_

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