Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 113,881,443 Issue: 159 | 24th day of Gathering, Y6
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Hm... I've never heard a pea make odd squeaking noises before. Oh well."

Flaws of Being a Fruit

There are many flaws about being a fruit. Despite its pro's, its con's are worse. Face it, no one wants to be friends with what it eats for lunch. Could you imagine being an apple? You'd get bruised so easily. What about being a plum? If you fell over, you wouldn't be able to get up again! You'd be considered a cannibal if you ever ate an apple and happened to be one...

Truly Memorable

You must’ve at least heard of the NT and read it, or you wouldn’t be here, now would you? In each issue of the NT, there is stuff that is interesting, funny and all that other heaps of adjectives we can use to describe it. But a title might jump out at you and you’ll click on it, and read the whole piece. Now, why did you do that?...

Are You In Danger?

There is something out there-or some things- that are plotting our destruction right now. They are more dangerous then Sloth, Kass, and Lord Darigan combined. They are finding their way into our towns, Neohomes, and into our very beds. No, I’m not talking about Petpetpets. I’m talking about Neopia’ worst danger ever to walk the face of the planet. I’m talking about THE MEEPITS!...

Other Stories

"A Mutatious Nightmare" by cruzerchic123
"What's there not to like? Mutated Neopets are cool. By the way, Butterfly, 'mutatious' is not a word."...

"Trash or Treasure?" by bqueen6430
"What have you done?" Eliza whispered, staring down at the glass shards, seeming paralyzed with shock...

"A Tale of Two Brothers" by direpantheon
"Just like you youngling's, never thinkin' o' the consequences," a quiet, gravelly voice remarked from behind the Wocky...

Boulders Everywhere!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Destruct-O-Match II
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Great stories!


100 Crazy and Creative Uses for the Lab Ray
94. Just make an interesting light show to impress your pals.

by precious_katuch14


Finding Kourage: Part Four
Their 'fresh start' didn't start out so well; they started early and there was a steady drizzle being upheld. By noon a frightening, perilous storm was at hand...

by larenbeka


Lost Before, Light
"Do you remember we are here to see the most beautiful sunrise at the peak? Techo Mountain directly faces the part where the sun rises or sets," Kei added helpfully.

by cool_frenzy


A Mutatious Nightmare
"Wouldn't it be cool if we were all mutant?"

by cruzerchic123


The Sky is the Limit: Part Five
"Of course! That is, if you really want me. I know I don't deserve this chance at all. In fact, why would you even offer me a second chance?" Harry asked.

by tolkienlordofthering

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