The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 113,881,443 Issue: 159 | 24th day of Gathering, Y6
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New Series

The Korbat Who Couldn't Hang: Part One

Isabel glanced down at her right foot, suddenly ashamed of the fact that two of the three claws hadn't developed properly before birth.

by janejinn
Love You Like a Sister II: A Moment's Glimpse - Part One

I panicked and tried to hide myself. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Syri suspiciously eyeing me, but she never said anything. They both took their place behind my family in line.

by tennisblondie16
The Adventures of Lisha and Jeran: Heroes Never Die - Part One

"I need your advice on this plan, Jeran," he said. "The King trusts you; you're his number one advisor. So tell me what you think."

by ridergirl333
A Peace that Would Lst One Thousand Years?: Part One

"That Skeith said that Darigan is going to attack us! That no-good, two-timing fool Darigan, trying to attack us again!"

by ikkin_with_attitude
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Truly Memorable

You must’ve at least heard of the NT and read it, or you wouldn’t be here, now would you? In each issue of the NT, there is stuff that is interesting, funny and all that other heaps of adjectives we can use to describe it. But a title might jump out at you and you’ll click on it, and read the whole piece. Now, why did you do that?...

Other Stories


Of Gourmet Club Trophies and Staying in Shape
Every three months, Neopets from all around Neopia gathered together at the Gourmet Club to determine who could eat the most food and who could do it the fastest.

by shadih_temporary


Just An Ordinary Day With A Psychopathic Broom
He didn't take notice into it at first, but when the shaking felt as if it were heading towards him, Midnight knew something was wrong.

by blubblub317


Neopets Trading Card Game 101: Anatomy of a Deck
You understand the rules, but you’re ready for a new challenge. What do you do next? It’s time to start building your own decks!

by neopian_queen_liana


How to Become a Non-Stereotypical Hero
Step one: Get over to the Rainbow Pool! Er, get painted.

by extreme_fj0rd


Oh no! This wasn't here when I last looked! *panics*

by flookadoobee


Sane Asylum: Do Not Disturb
Eat my hear out, eh?

by teishan

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