Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 113,881,443 Issue: 159 | 24th day of Gathering, Y6
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Continued Series

The Eragotten Legacy: Part Two

Jag, using his glasses to navigate through the thick smoke that was slowly beginning to fade, burst through three of the Scorchios, knocking them back into each other…

by dando52
The Disappearance of Choppy: Part Two

Over the time of her life Indipsi had learned that the toy shop had almost everything a Uni could possibly want. She was sure it would come through for her once more.

by charmedhorses
The Search for Petpet World: Part Two

"We need to know if you know where the gems are. Or if you have any riddles that can tell us," said Jobo.

by darkfaerie700
A Mind in the Moonlight: Part Three

“What? No! What happened to my charm? Charms don’t just disappear on their own! Who’s in here!?” Clark whirled around, trying to find someone, anyone who might be a suspect.

by costa_rican_girl
Daughter of a Star: Part Four

The Yes Boy Ice Cream Shoyrus stood there for a moment and then looked at one another. They suddenly burst out laughing. And they wouldn't stop, they were hysterical!

by shadih_temporary
Finding Kourage: Part Four

Their 'fresh start' didn't start out so well; they started early and there was a steady drizzle being upheld. By noon a frightening, perilous storm was at hand...

by larenbeka
Of Lights from Within: Part Six

"Don't you have any memories of what happened before Nora adopted you?"

by chocolateisamust
Pishicu and the Wisdom Council: Part Nine

"They say a large cave has appeared in the rock on the east, and in the evenin' it sucks in lots of water, then in the mornin' it spews it back out. It's quite odd really."

by chipster33
Princess of Erodaire III: Part Four

"I am no longer a princess...just a lady now. You have to call me Lady Andra, for Ve - I mean Princess Vevina - is the princess of Erodaire...and soon she shall become it's heir if my banishment continues..."

by christinetran
The Sky is the Limit: Part Five

"Of course! That is, if you really want me. I know I don't deserve this chance at all. In fact, why would you even offer me a second chance?" Harry asked.

by tolkienlordofthering
The Nameless Warrior: Part Five

The Usul leaned closer to him. "Are the rumors true? Is there a new defender of Meridell, fighting like Jeran?"

by moonlit_danaa
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"Trash or Treasure?" by bqueen6430
"What have you done?" Eliza whispered, staring down at the glass shards, seeming paralyzed with shock...

Other Stories


Smaller Shadows
It stared with fear at Blue, and she wondered about the Quiggles. They made smaller shadows than she did. Much smaller shadows. But that isn't supposed to matter… right?

by potatorewkiki


Detective Grace and the Missing Bracelet
"Grace, come on," said Violet, tugging on my arm. "We have to find my bracelet! It means so much to me, and it's such a shame to lose such a wonderful thing!"

by precious_katuch14


The Flaws of Being a Fruit Chia
There are many flaws about being a fruit. Despite its pro's, its con's are worse. Face it, no one wants to be friends with what it eats for lunch.

by platinumprincess99


Neopias Secret War-How the Meepits are Taking Over
There is something out there-or some things- that are plotting our destruction right now. They are more dangerous then Sloth, Kass, and Lord Darigan combined.

by jesse12_3


Red X-Donations Galore
One item per customer.

by shadowcristal


Livin My Life
Neopia gets smarter everyday...

by liskda123

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