Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 190,988,565 Issue: 587 | 22nd day of Running, Y15
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Short Stories

Summer... Fun?

I was practicing the piano, as I normally did at that time in the afternoon. I was interrupted by my mother, who leapt into the music room, slipped on the carpet, and fell...

by kristykimmy
Hunting for Answers

I planted my hooves and stared across the backyard of my owner's Neohome. The old archery target had a fresh coat of paint, just begging to be filled with arrows. I was going to oblige.

by blackghoulmon
The Search for a Shopkeeper

Expanding my little shop to a larger affair had long been one of my dreams, but I knew I couldn't dedicate my life to it.

by chestnuttiger787
On the Outside

Mazz had found the green Kyrii potion while cleaning out Spider's gallery. It had a green theme, and the human had decided there were too many green things in Neopia to collect.

by spiderwax
Defender of Neopia - Origin of Keenomarci

When I woke up, my owner wasn't anywhere to be found. I was alone, in a dark cold cave and I had no idea what had happened. My vision was a little blurry...

by kinokiro
Mystery Sickness

Diseases can be the most awful thing, can't they?

by flames_unleashed
Dungeon Break

In which gruel is served, Cellblock is played, and someone orchestrates an elaborate escape.

by archetype
Salt Water and Soy Biscuits

Some of them haven't even seen the ocean.

You're not sure how anything in their world can be okay.

by cc_coffman98

The Right Family

"Ok, so for your birthdays this year, I have got very special presents!" my owner, Saybia, said when we were eating breakfast. My identical twin, a blue Xweetok name Charlotte, squealed excitedly.

by emilyjosie11
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Underrated Royal Girls

Since the birth of the Royal Paint Brush in Year 6, Neopia has been blessed by the grace and charm of many species of royal pets, 49 to be exact. Without them, there would be none to rule except the Faerie Queen, but come on! Doesn't the Faerie Queen need help reigning and looking beautiful sometimes? If you told her the latter, though, I don't think she would be very happy. But I digress. What I've noticed over the years, especially on the Pound Board for the few times I dared to venture into the stormy sea of trades, is that some noble-pets are favored more than others...

Other Stories


Adoption: Pound Chat Version
Here is a quick guide for anyone hoping to adopt a pet or just trying to familiarize themselves with the PC.

by cheriipie


Chronicles of a Scuffed-Up Battledome Pet
Tips and lessons learned from our first war.

by shusu_chan


The Quest!: Part Two
"B-But it's a d-deserrrt! It sh-shouldn't be c-cold!" Lunia stammered, confused...

by anapaula_p55


There Are No How-To Books for Aspiring Ninjas: Part One
Orion looked at himself in the mirror. Big green eyes, fluffy tail, adorable green stripe, yes, he was cute. They were fine with that. But he wasn't satisfied with cute. He wanted more than that in life.

by serissa98


Cim and Zel's Adventures During the War
Just so you guys know, Cim's the Kougra and Zel's the Ogrin.

by stupidyou3


When the Obelisk Appeared...
So amazing...

Written by pikachu315111

by nj_kitty_1

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