Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 190,988,565 Issue: 587 | 22nd day of Running, Y15
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Continued Series

Infinity II: Control - Part Eleven

Flicker had been waiting, itching for it all day: the chance to fight Granite without any interruptions.

by blueys45
The Mysteries of Mr. Cuddles: Part Seven

It hadn't been hard to decide on a plan of action. Zillie, Mr. Cuddles, and whoever had taken them were all inside Castle Nox...

by saphira_27
Everyone Loves the Undead: Part Five

"Then you may have to wake him," Franks suggested. "Just try to do it without a stake in your hand. Vampires get funny about that sort of thing."

by herdygerdy
We All Fall Down: Part Six

"I... remember..." I murmured, remembering my past. "I've... met her..."

by ellbot1998
A Candychan Plot: Part Four

As we slipped back down the alley, and when we paused outside the familiar door, I offered Androcles a nervous grin. He gave me a thumbs up...

by twocents
Path to Destiny: Part Three

I flicked my ears; the little petpet was hardly scary and too small to be any threat to me.

by dragonwolf8
The Quest!: Part Two

"B-But it's a d-deserrrt! It sh-shouldn't be c-cold!" Lunia stammered, confused...

by anapaula_p55
Song of Silence: Part Three

"Father!" Blossom cried, watching, horrified, as he dropped out of the sky and plunged headfirst through the ice and disappeared.

by fields_of_gold
Hoard: Part Two

The air at the top of the mountain was thinner than the rest of the world, which always sent me into a coughing fit when I got higher up...

by emma_manatee
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"On the Outside" by spiderwax
Mazz had found the green Kyrii potion while cleaning out Spider's gallery. It had a green theme, and the human had decided there were too many green things in Neopia to collect. It had been tucked neatly behind a collection of snot items, that no one had wanted to touch. As usual Mazzard shook her head at her family, and got down to business. It wasn't like you couldn't wash the snot off...

Other Stories


Dungeon Break
In which gruel is served, Cellblock is played, and someone orchestrates an elaborate escape.

by archetype


The Right Family
"Ok, so for your birthdays this year, I have got very special presents!" my owner, Saybia, said when we were eating breakfast. My identical twin, a blue Xweetok name Charlotte, squealed excitedly.

by emilyjosie11


Top 11 Underrated Royal Girl Pets
You should really look at pet colors more often.

by flufflepuff


Budget Weaponry
You've got eight slots for your "set" and you want to have at least the following...

by dusket


A Wonderful Day
Could have just said no...

by alicia10l


Dessert Disaster

by silverfang_avatar

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