Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 175,178,347 Issue: 373 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y10
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Short Stories

I Wasn't Spying

That's when her sister, Alyett, a yellow Eyrie, walked in. "You got a sundae?" she asked in disbelief. "Did you get me one?"

by majikel
Like We Had it All

They always had a way of making me feel like my difference was something to be ashamed of.

by sarlizkat114
The Namer

The adoption Uni cocked her head to one side. "Are you sure? Her name is unpronounceable..."

by sassygirlygirl3792

Valerie's hands shook as she picked a small velvet bag off the table and tipped the contents into the desk. One letter.

by punctuation_ninja
Iveh's Morphing Potion

"Fail science? But... I'm good at science! I like science! Science is fun! I can't fail something fun that I'm good at!"

by safekitten
Letters and Litter

Have you ever wondered where all of those letters you send to "The Neopets Team" go to?

by neocoladdict
A Detour

There was nothing that was left unplanned; therefore, nothing could go wrong.

by olivia_2022
The Disappearance of Mrs. Quinn

Another figure appeared. A strange, dark figure. It seemed to be talking to Mrs. Quinn. Suddenly both figures vanished out of sight.

by ripror
The Snowager's Tiny Pal

The Snowager had always wanted a little brother.

by skinnygirl
Hairy Sweaters

Why would any respectable pet shave their head? Maybe a new trend.

by iloenchen
Palace of Snow

All around her, pine trees were sheathed in glistening coats of ice. Inside, something was restless and longing to fly free...

by spotlightstarzafara
Winter Tea

Elizabeth's scowl deepened. She hated the month of Celebrating.

by maypoppy
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"Letters and Litter" by neocoladdict
Martha works in Letters. To be more specific, she works in Suggestions. Take a left turn at the red sign, and that cramped, stuffy, overflowing-with-paper cubicle is hers. Every day, Martha opens thousands of letters from Neopians...

Other Stories


A Planning Guide to the New Neogardens
If you're like one of these Neopians who have yet to take up the task of gardening, why not take a look at some basic suggestions listed here...

by akitera


Royalboys Aren't Pampered Princesses, You Know
I, a Royal Peophin, am here today to tell you all about what I have gone through as a prince, what I have had to face.

by koichiitachi


Yo Ho Yo Ho, A Plushie's Life For Me: Part One
An adventurous story of how a plushie Shoyru found his true calling.

by pineapple_apple


The Werelupe Hunter: Part Three
Fanger followed, his ears pricked and alert. There was a large tree next to the front door, and Fanger could just make out a large shape lurking in the shade. Wait...

by rachelindea


Revenge is sweet
Poor Albert ! :)

by dingodilee


Why can't I... #2
I can't, because...

by sue_sa

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