Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 175,178,347 Issue: 373 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y10
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What Makes You Good at Key Quest?

What would you do if your opponent was three squares away from winning, and it was your turn?

by shinning123
A Planning Guide to the New Neogardens

If you're like one of these Neopians who have yet to take up the task of gardening, why not take a look at some basic suggestions listed here...

by akitera
Hello! My name is...: A Guide to Making Neofriends

Just as important as where TO make neofriends is where NOT to make neofriends.

by slinkee
Royalboys Aren't Pampered Princesses, You Know

I, a Royal Peophin, am here today to tell you all about what I have gone through as a prince, what I have had to face.

by koichiitachi
O.C.P.D. What is it?

Obsessive Compulsive Packrat Disorder, or OCPD, affects many Neopians. In fact, it is probably one of the most common illnesses in Neopia.

by 101monica101
The World of Winter Sports in Terror Mountain

Congratulations! It's important to be energetic. But how do you, the responsible and accommodating owner, take care of them in winter, so they don't catch the Sneezles?

by charumati
Jungle Raiders Guide: Swing Your Way to a High Score

In Jungle Raiders, you play a jungle-themed Mynci whose goal is to collect as much treasure as possible by swinging through the trees and gathering the coins that are placed in his path.

by facetiousmind
Ten Things You Could Do In The New Year

As Neopia prepares to enter Year Eleven, there are undoubtedly many things you would like to do to prepare for the forthcoming New Year.

by scenette
New Years Resolutions

Hey, Y 11 is coming up and the turn of the year is the usual time when most Neopians make a list of ideas to better themselves in the new year.

by cherokee_kitten_
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10 Things You Can Do

As Neopia prepares to enter Year 11, there are undoubtedly many things you would like to do to prepare for the forthcoming New Year. I hear you say, "What would those things be?" Well, we have gathered 10 things you should do before the end of this - yes, that's right, Year 10 - year. They are not compulsory; pick and choose to do whatever you like...

Other Stories


I Wasn't Spying
That's when her sister, Alyett, a yellow Eyrie, walked in. "You got a sundae?" she asked in disbelief. "Did you get me one?"

by majikel


The Disappearance of Mrs. Quinn
Another figure appeared. A strange, dark figure. It seemed to be talking to Mrs. Quinn. Suddenly both figures vanished out of sight.

by ripror


Xavier's Quest: Part Four
He glanced up toward the cavern's ceiling, trying to gauge what time it was. Not that knowing will do me any good, he thought. I don't know when the Snowager sleeps.

by phadalusfish


Yo Ho Yo Ho, A Plushie's Life For Me: Part One
An adventurous story of how a plushie Shoyru found his true calling.

by pineapple_apple


Knock knock...
Even the undead can be festive.

by socks198915


The Preposterous Professor - Episode 2
Homework check!

by _dead_meat_x_

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