There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 175,178,347 Issue: 373 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y10
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New Series

Tween Dusk and Dawn: Part One

"What happens on New Year's Eve?"

by micrody
Yo Ho Yo Ho, A Plushie's Life For Me: Part One

An adventurous story of how a plushie Shoyru found his true calling.

by pineapple_apple
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"A Detour" by olivia_2022
She had even drawn out a map of the path from her house to the market, just in case she and her younger brother managed to get lost. In Libby's mind, there was nothing that was left unplanned; therefore, nothing could go wrong...

Other Stories


Valerie's hands shook as she picked a small velvet bag off the table and tipped the contents into the desk. One letter.

by punctuation_ninja


The Disappearance of Mrs. Quinn
Another figure appeared. A strange, dark figure. It seemed to be talking to Mrs. Quinn. Suddenly both figures vanished out of sight.

by ripror


Ten Things You Could Do In The New Year
As Neopia prepares to enter Year Eleven, there are undoubtedly many things you would like to do to prepare for the forthcoming New Year.

by scenette


What Makes You Good at Key Quest?
What would you do if your opponent was three squares away from winning, and it was your turn?

by shinning123


Fuzzeh Logic
Try is about all you can do.

by jackjack1234


T4U: Christmas Crackers - Part 4
Well and truely Christmas Crackers!

by sheep_416

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