Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 111,440,439 Issue: 192 | 26th day of Hunting, Y7
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Short Stories

The Lupe Pack

At first one might think she was just a normal Lupe in one of those free-roaming packs that lived on the plains. While it was true that she was part of a free-roaming pack, she was far from normal.

by fierwym
Forest of Song

Inside, there is a music that lasts a lifetime, singing from the earth, the trees, and the pets that live there. It is a sanctuary, a safe haven away from the harsher world...

by icedesperado
Dr. Yotaria Strikes Again

"What... seems to be the problem?" the Kau said, trying not to stare.

by extreme_fj0rd
Jovianna: In the Beginning

Jovianna enjoyed the attention: after living in the horrible pound for so long, it was good to have a home and an owner, especially one as caring as Calliope...

by evil_mr_scary

Seasons change, relationships change, and sometimes, for the sad, unfortunate Neopian souls, owners, or as I like to call them, our human pets, can even change. Never once, however, did I think that I would change… literally.

by briddgett
A Wacky Interview with a Light Faerie

"Interview me? I'm just an ordinary faerie. Go interview someone else, like Fyora. People will want to read about her than little old me," answered the light faerie with a puzzled face.

Also by humblely

by hottamale0774

The Great Blurendo

With each laugh of the king, the Blumaroo waved his hands again and performed another one of his magical tricks and illusions...

Also by simsman24000

by blubblub317

To Skateboard Or Not To Skateboard

"You're just jealous, because I really own you all in sports! And I bet I'll ace this one too!"

by precious_katuch14
Tales of Bravery: Koen

He was an outcast of society, choosing the company of wind-on-leaf over real words, but he was a known outcast that did not have any enemies...

by christinetran
True Words of A Grey Faerie

No one can tell them for sure, only a grey faerie can tell her own tale correctly. You see, every grey faerie has their own tale to tell...

Also by neox52492

by humblely

Same Thing, Only Different

"You know what, Franky? I'm tired of this. I am tired of always being considered 'happy'. It's not fair! Kacheeks can be more than just happy little skippers, bakers, and the like..."

Also by Patjade

by huggsy_666

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"The Great Blurendo" by blubblub317
With each laugh of the king, the Blumaroo waved his hands again and performed...

Other Stories


War of the Eepits!!
A war of epic proportions is upon Neopia. Rumoured to have been going on for many months in mostly uninhabited areas, the violence and confusion is at an all time high...

Also by sunset_rose285

by jazz_invincible


Guilds, Why They're Private, And All That Jazz
You are about to join a guild. Unfortunately, it is private. So, how do you get in?

by queen_starshine


Encountering Wild: Part Five
"Wild! Come here! Wild! Here! Come here!" I shouted eagerly and jumped to my feet to meet him. The moment Wild laid eyes on me, though, he instantly stopped in his tracks.

by christinetran


The Golden Guitar of Silver Strings - Part Two
Suddenly, Tabatha thought of something interesting. If the Cybunnies could hop, and if they could sleep, could they talk too?

by socks563


Yurbles, Kougras, and Bori! Oh my!
What the owners don't hear...

by unicorn_fantasy13


Minutes of Entertainment
Something has happened! o_O

Art by choclated

by springsteen0991

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