There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 111,440,439 Issue: 192 | 26th day of Hunting, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week


Guilds - Why
They're Private

Most people like guilds. This is not to be denied. Of course, not all people are ‘guild material’, and this is not a trait for one to be ashamed of. Some people do not find the time/talent/commitment to be tied into a guild with its board chatting, contests, and the like...

Obsession or Good Investment?

Every day there are hundreds of us out there looking for just the right item, page, or score to get us that new avi. We chant “Just one more level, come on, come one! We can do it!” when we see that we are close to the score needed for a game locked avi...

Neopia's Hole Truth

Every day when I walk around the world of Neopia, something seems to keep happening, but I can’t put my finger on it. I go to Meridell, and OOPS! My petpet falls down a Symol hole. I fly into outer space, and decide go to Virtupets Space Station for a bite to eat...

Other Stories
"Tales of Bravery: Koen" by christinetran
He was an outcast of society, choosing the company of wind-on-leaf over real words...

"The Great Blurendo" by blubblub317
With each laugh of the king, the Blumaroo waved his hands again and performed...

"Forest of Song" by icedesperado
It is a sanctuary, a safe haven away from the harsher world...

No Jelly For His Belly

This week's issue is brought to you by: Hungry Skeith
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Great stories!


Yurbles, Kougras, and Bori! Oh my!
What the owners don't hear...

by unicorn_fantasy13


Kooky Absurdity
"Everyone's" heard of Faerieland!

by tsukuyomaru


Speck the Speckled
Super Speck!

by cheetah_kougra


Neopia Acres

by wyomingslim


Antica's Antics #1
That book is so0o0o0o boring!!

by lukeneedsatrim

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