A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 193,938,194 Issue: 724 | 18th day of Running, Y18
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New Series

Lupe Pack Detectives - The Kidnapped JubJub: Part One

It was approximately a quarter past one in the morning when Noel the Christmas JubJub woke up because of his growling stomach. He groaned and hopped out of bed, heading out of his room and downstairs to the kitchen to make himself a midnight snack. After he was finished his snack, he carefully put the items that he used away and headed back upstairs.

by lupe_hunter_7
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Neopian Zombie Apocalypse

Have you ever thought of what you and your neopets would do if there happen to a zombie apocalypse here in Neopia? Well, think no more. I have come up with some places I think would be perfect for a long hideout in case zombies attack. Please keep in mind that all these hideouts are locations I think would be great for a neopet to survive long-term. It doesn't necessarily mean that these locations would be your ideal hideout for your neopets.

Other Stories


Sutek's Ancient Tomb
“Nooo, Sarina!” Torin called desperately. His friend teetered precariously on the brink of the pit. Her hands grabbed fistfuls of air. But it was futile really. She fell all the same.

by reiqua


Unbreakable Bonds
Even back in Year 4, Neopia Central was a busy place.

Bustling crowds of shoppers hurried from one store to the next with their Neopets, or stopped to eat, or unfolded that week’s copy of the Neopian Times to read the conclusion to their favourite series.

by cosmicfire918


Berry Bash Trophy Guide
Berry Bash is a fun strategy game that with a bit of patience can easily earn you a nice shiny trophy for your userlookup. Rufus the yellow Kougra is acting as Grand Bogen and needs your help to unlock new Gadgadsbogen berries and ensure that all his guests have a wonderful time!

by dark_rose_15


Illusen’s Thoughts On Jhudora’s Bluff Rewards
I interviewed Jhudora on her day to review the Illusen Glade rewards. With it being Illusion Day I thought it would be only fair to have Illusen do the same with Jhudora Bluff rewards! I asked Illusen and she was quick to agree, seemingly eager in wanting to talk about Jhudora’s rewards.

by pikachu315111


A Neopian Sunset
Where did you come from?!

Also by spurstrap

by suixx


Neoquest Insanity: Prep 101
Game face, bro.

Also by plasticrose

by trubiekatie

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