Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 193,938,194 Issue: 724 | 18th day of Running, Y18
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Continued Series

Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Seven

Chloe mounted the stairs back to the sitting room where she had left Buzz. She opened the door quietly and found Buzz still there. He was sitting across from Kristy, having pulled a chair up to the sofa where she was now seated. She had finally changed out of the ridiculous costume she had been wearing.

by kristykimmy
The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Five

rina carefully stepped onto the white terrain. Miles and miles ahead, the snow was the only thing in sight, spanning in every direction. “So this is Terror Mountain…” she said to herself in awe.

by ummagine3284
Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Four

For a minute, it was as if time froze. I didn't mean for that to slip out. One, this was not a good time. Someone could come up to us in a second and wonder what we were doing. Two, I was not prepared. Not being prepared was something that got me in a whole bunch of problems.

by chasing_stars44
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Guide For the Recently Ghost-ed

Having a dramatic change in physical appearance can be incredibly stressful for anyone, but even more so when those physical changes come along with changes in ability. If you’re reading this, you (if you’re a Neopet) or your pet (if you’re something else) has recently been painted Ghost! You may be wondering, what does this mean for you? What accommodations will need to be made? Why does everyone keep howling when they see you, despite your desperate attempts to remind them of who you are?

Other Stories


Sutek's Ancient Tomb
“Nooo, Sarina!” Torin called desperately. His friend teetered precariously on the brink of the pit. Her hands grabbed fistfuls of air. But it was futile really. She fell all the same.

by reiqua


Thoughts of a Pair of Edible Pets
Robin the Ixi and his adopted sister Sunset the Zafara, a pair of pets living a forest near Shenkuu, sat in a cave, watching the rain outside. Their suburban section of Shenkuu containing their owner's Neohome was not far from there and the rainfall was comparatively light; most pets would have simply braved the weather.

by mbredboy31


Guide For the Recently Ghost-ed
Having a dramatic change in physical appearance can be incredibly stressful for anyone, but even more so when those physical changes come along with changes in ability. If you’re reading this, you (if you’re a Neopet) or your pet (if you’re something else) has recently been painted Ghost! You may be wondering, what does this mean for you?

by bizniscorg


Berry Bash Trophy Guide
Berry Bash is a fun strategy game that with a bit of patience can easily earn you a nice shiny trophy for your userlookup. Rufus the yellow Kougra is acting as Grand Bogen and needs your help to unlock new Gadgadsbogen berries and ensure that all his guests have a wonderful time!

by dark_rose_15


Unrecognized Smartness
When the rejected Grundo doesn't recognize your smartness and refuses to give you an avatar.

by simbologies


Durian Difficulties: Part 2
Prickly on the outside, cuddly on the inside

Also by bha288.

by joslucca3000

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