For an easier life Circulation: 192,951,137 Issue: 671 | 26th day of Storing, Y16
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New Series

A Queen's Ascension: Part One

It was another gloriously scorching day in the Lost Desert, the temperature reaching almost record heights, and there wasn't a cloud in the beautiful blue sky...

by dudeiloled
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Poetry Contest Advice

What I will give you are little tidbits I've picked up from both other people, and from entering well over 100 poems myself. Short, sweet, and to the point: Write what you like, rhyme, don't rhyme, read it out loud to make sure it sounds nice, and enter it! Read! To get ideas, simply read other people's poems...

Other Stories


Commodore Rigney Birkin and the Lava Tunnel Pirates
You have always considered yourself a traveller.

by pillsi


A New Start
Today is the day! I'm leaving for my new home in Altador.

by jeslin__62


Top 20 Delectable Delicacies and Why You Need Them
The professionals at AH International have sampled every worthy food available and will take you through the best of the best and where to find them.

by asparagushead


Getting Published: A Guide to Writing for the Neopian Times
If you have always wanted your work to be published in the Neopian Times but have yet to get the chance, this is the guide for you.

by lunafaeire


Little Ghost
Can you handle it...?

by noonsk


High Hopes And Unmet Expectations
A Kougra involved in the Beauty Contest community has high hopes for the future, thanks to the new avatar!

by kainbunny

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