A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 192,951,137 Issue: 671 | 26th day of Storing, Y16
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Scorchy Slots: Part Two

He doesn't learn, does he?

Also by vincent7577

by msjanny

The Unforgotten Shore

Something has happened!

Also by sarah2396

by bha288

The "Poor" Little Petpet

Those poor starving little petpets sure are picky...

by kristofferson
The Discovery of Jelly World

Oh my goodness.

by archfiendgenie
Birthday Surprise

You remembered?

by elxloki
Art Progression


by abbypalbear

At the salon...

by durrhurrhurr
High Hopes And Unmet Expectations

A Kougra involved in the Beauty Contest community has high hopes for the future, thanks to the new avatar!

by kainbunny
Little Ghost

Can you handle it...?

by noonsk
It's Hard Being the New Pet

Mean Pets

by greyorangegrey
The Floating Islanders: The Vandagyre

Then again you could apply this to anything.

by yankeesrule244444456
Dinner with the Scarlets: The Meepit Domination

Neopian Times Artists aren’t actually required to do Meepit comics; however, Yibit insisted on this one.

by june_scarlet
Post-Birthday Blues

It's the thought that counts.

by ariaaae
A Vanda-What?!

Poor Trasey has completely misunderstood Neopia's brand new Vandagyre!

by jhudora96
The Vandagyre Struggle

Neopia's newest species is still getting the hang of things.

Script by infesteddrops

by turquoisebird47

Catching Leaf-flakes


Written by patjade

by izzywizard

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Poetry Contest Advice

What I will give you are little tidbits I've picked up from both other people, and from entering well over 100 poems myself. Short, sweet, and to the point: Write what you like, rhyme, don't rhyme, read it out loud to make sure it sounds nice, and enter it! Read! To get ideas, simply read other people's poems...

Other Stories


Commodore Rigney Birkin and the Lava Tunnel Pirates
You have always considered yourself a traveller.

by pillsi


More Than a Chili Pepper
It's not easy being a chili pepper.

by unfogging


A Little Friendly Poetry Contest Advice
What I will give you are little tidbits I've picked up from both other people, and from entering well over 100 poems myself.

by flufflepuff


Getting Published: A Guide to Writing for the Neopian Times
If you have always wanted your work to be published in the Neopian Times but have yet to get the chance, this is the guide for you.

by lunafaeire


The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Seven
"We were just traveling, and in need of shelter." I give him a minimal description of our journey. I don't want to give too much away...

by lizzy_beth_750551


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Three
"It would explain all the damage, why everyone who witnessed the crimes were so shaken up, and why there was no clues pointing to a Neopet."

by chasing_stars44

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