Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 192,951,137 Issue: 671 | 26th day of Storing, Y16
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Short Stories

Friday: 196 Dubloons Left

It was another gorgeous Friday morning in Warf Wharf and the one-legged shopkeeper of Krawk Island Nippers had just turned the welcome sign on...

by vanquishee
More Than a Chili Pepper

It's not easy being a chili pepper.

by unfogging
A New Start

Today is the day! I'm leaving for my new home in Altador.

by jeslin__62
Commodore Rigney Birkin and the Lava Tunnel Pirates

You have always considered yourself a traveller.

by pillsi
The Great Playpen Escape

Martha will stand this cruelty no longer...

by nikibogwater
Empire of Dirt

In all the days that led up to today's skirmish, the Duchess stood on this mountain of dirt, right up the hill path leading to the Tyrannian Plateau...

by psychedelicreature
The Great Pink War

"Pink? What a girly color!"

by dragonusagi
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"The Great Playpen Escape" by nikibogwater
Martha would not stand for this injustice. It was maltreatment! Cruel and unusual punishment! A violation of Code-- "I'm really sorry," Ginger pleaded with her baby sister through the mesh of her playpen. "But I really have to finish this research report. I'll play with you as soon as I'm done, okay?"

Other Stories


Getting Published: A Guide to Writing for the Neopian Times
If you have always wanted your work to be published in the Neopian Times but have yet to get the chance, this is the guide for you.

by lunafaeire


Dice-A-Roo and the Employment Agency
With other games, however, one needs a little more dedication in order to gain maximum profits from them. These do pay off in the long run though...

by claricerose


Hotshots: Part Two
Mortman waited with the two young hotshots in the cabin. They didn't talk much – it seemed they had just enough sense to know that someone would be listening.

by saphira_27


Of Menaces, Hopes and Icky Space Food: Part Five
"In this corner, a carefully planned takeover with high-grade blaster supplies and probably trained warriors. In the other corner, a kid with a mop. And you didn't bring your mop."

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl


The "Poor" Little Petpet
Those poor starving little petpets sure are picky...

by kristofferson


A Vanda-What?!
Poor Trasey has completely misunderstood Neopia's brand new Vandagyre!

by jhudora96

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