For an easier life Circulation: 185,639,542 Issue: 498 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y13
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New Series

Scarblade's Pearl: Off To Altador - Part One

"Nira, I think you need to leave the island," she said slowly.

by theloverpokemonqueen
Phidianne and the Five Hundredth Dubloon: Part One

I didn't know Faerieland had fallen, of course. Out in the islands, the disappearance of the faeries hadn't affected us much at first.

by peirigill
Petpetpet Meltdown: Part One

"I've got you a job! I think it's finally time for you to go out, and I know what you're like so I've helped you along a bit."

by elly042
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"Lilo and the Yooyu" by thediractor
The past year and a half had been rough on Lilo's small family. It was like the poor Blumaroo's immune system had just crashed, and all at once he came down with a horrible case of Neomonia. Then, not two weeks later, when the Neomonia had almost gone away, he started showing symptoms of the Neezles. Then came Blurred Vision, Achy Head, Floppy Tongue, Kikoughela...

Other Stories


The Yooyu Caretaker
Bo knew that the Altador Cup committee liked to inspect every inch of the Coliseum before the games began. He was making sure that everything was in its best condition for the inspection.

by mydogpack35


Comet the Kadoatie
In his search for a home, a stray Kad stumbles upon The Kadoatery.

by proudpony


The Destruction of My Dream Pet
Why are Lutari so complicated?

by nascar19nfl


Good, Yet Affordable Ice Cream Sundaes
All the best ice creams in Neopia at the best price you can get them.

by lovelyroses97


My Little Monster 2/6
Yep, just a Haunted Woods fanatic.

by djudju22_8


Ring of the Deep, part 5
Here's the cotton candy castle.

by ssjelitegirl

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