Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 139,341,920 Issue: 290 | 4th day of Hunting, Y9
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New Series

Faith in Fate: Part One

All three neopets rushed to the secluded stone room full of Tiger furniture. The bed was overturned, and a thickness in the air, and shimmers of silver, turquoise and black suggested the use of magic...

by flittingshadow
Secrets and Shadows: Part One

Commander Bhrack, commanding officer of the Darigan Citadel Guard and trusted military advisor to Lord Darigan, paused in weariness outside of the wooden door leading to his quarters. It had been an especially trying day...

by dragonlover8560
Perfect: Part One

We weren't spoiled rotten like some Neopets out there, but we had a roof over our heads and somewhat regular meals and each other, and we adored our owner for it. We didn't know anything else, and so we thought she was perfect...

by douleur
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Humbling Hubrid

Hubrid's Hero Heist is one of the least played flash games in Neopia. Personally I can't understand why. Then again, I'm also not sure what it is about this game that makes me so happy. It might be the 3000 neopoints I make from it every day, it might be that I like eating, or it might be because I like miniatures (the bad guys are so cute when you shrink them!). If you've never played Hubrid's Hero Heist...

Other Stories


The Un-Surprise Party
"I don't know. What kind of surprise?" I tried to play the fool, but I was an expert on surprise parties...

by qazx301


A Faerie Tale
She lived in the Haunted Woods; but now that she was alone, in the dark, far from the warmth of her bed...

by themagpiesbanter


Which Gallery of Evil Character are You?
And here's a nice piece of cheese to eat while you take it!

by wigglyfish


Hubrid's Hero Heist: Learn the Basics
If you've never played Hubrid's Hero Heist, this guide will give you the fundamentals you need to enjoy this game...

by dana622


Petpet Parade
Now with 80% better art!

by the_forest_maiden


The Art of Restocking
Don't give up on trying!

by caioschleich

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