Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 139,341,920 Issue: 290 | 4th day of Hunting, Y9
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Bumble Beaming

Bumble Beams is a game with a strange mix of strategy, luck and timing that makes it one of the most unique games on this site. If you're having a bit of trouble with the game...

by elementmario222
Misplacing Meepits

We would have to resort to Drastic Measures. (Capital letters and all.)

by daymarket
The Milestones of Neopia

Well, to rich Neopians, earning your first 50k doesn't seem like a big deal. But to others, it's something to be proud of...

by 24meepit13
All Out War at the Beauty Contest

So you want to enter the Beauty Contest, hm?

by baby_beagle1991
The Twenty Most Delicious Desserts

What desserts are so mind-numbingly sugary-sweet and powerful and delicious and cute and smooth and chocolatey and creamy and soft and mouth-watering, that they are put into the top-twenty best desserts in all of our Neopia?

by harrypotterfan9001
Which Gallery of Evil Character are You?

And here's a nice piece of cheese to eat while you take it!

by wigglyfish
Heavenly (And Not So Heavenly) Sleep!

Find out which beds are perfect for you and which beds you want to avoid!

by lurking_and_giving
Advanced Strategy Game Guide for Go! Go! Go!

Okay, so you know the rules and purpose of the game, Go! Go! Go!, but you can't get one of those shiny trophies because one of your opponents always beats you before you can get rid of all of your cards! Well, this is the perfect strategy guide...

by feline_stars
So You Want to Raise a Neopet of Your Own

You may need some tips on how to raise and care for it. The first thing you need to do is purchase food and a Neohome...

by redmareclover32
Neoschools: Where Is TNT Hiding Them?!

It is not because there is no other place on the map for a school. It is not because they think many of our pets are already well learned. It is not because they enjoy making us suffer with impatience. No...

by jeanaet
Hubrid's Hero Heist: Learn the Basics

If you've never played Hubrid's Hero Heist, this guide will give you the fundamentals you need to enjoy this game...

by dana622
The Altador Cup

Should this be a sign that the Altador Cup Committee is saying that the Altador Cup will be running annually now? Time will tell...

by jockylocky
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"Rupert's First Mission" by puffpastry654
"Who do you think you are, soldier, coming in here with the slightest bit of heed for presentation? Your helmet is lopsided, your boots are caked with mud, and part of your harness is not properly secured. You’re not working on the farm anymore, sonny; this is war! War, I tell you!" His fellow Mootix all gave him sympathetic glances, but, truthfully, they were just glad it was him and not them being humiliated...

Other Stories


"Don't worry, buddy," Donald called to me from the bleachers, noticing my nervousness. "You ace this thing every night..."

by springsteen0991


The Misadventures of a Red Hissi
"Hypnotism." Hayden leaned forward. "A guy in my class at school taught it to me. Want to try being hypnotized?"

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by kittengriffin


Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Four
There were buttons pushed and sharp zaps following, and then the pets exited the contraption a pink color. It looked like the Secret Lab Ray she'd heard about, but she was somehow fairly certain that this wasn't it...

Also by fsufan266

by kioasakka


Further Tales of Woe: Part Two
The curse had not affected his mind whatsoever. He was still the same shy, sweet, gentle fellow he had always been - but now he had more reason to be shy and insecure. His appearance...

by jjquil


Welcome To My Life
Where're we from?

by jambammer


My Grarrl Bob!
Wake up, little Bob!

by larenchan

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