Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 139,341,920 Issue: 290 | 4th day of Hunting, Y9
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Short Stories

The Misadventures of a Red Hissi

"Hypnotism." Hayden leaned forward. "A guy in my class at school taught it to me. Want to try being hypnotized?"

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by kittengriffin

You Too

They walked onward, away from the Battledome, and Cleo thought things over. William had been so distant with the world lately...

by innuashsgirl
The Un-Surprise Party

"I don't know. What kind of surprise?" I tried to play the fool, but I was an expert on surprise parties...

by qazx301
Never Ever Forget Me

Kentari was whistling as he finished polishing the blade of a lightweight katana. Satisfied, the Shoyru grinned and held it up at arm's length, admiring the silver blade as it reflected the early-morning light...

by sonictheonlyhedgehog
A Lenny in a Biscuit Suit

"Ahh," her grandfather said, "I suppose you've never looked closely at the Neopian Times, now have you?"

by lavalampsnake99
Advert Attack

Dr. Sloth continued as if everyone was still listening to him, "If everyone starts feeding petpets to the Snowbeast, then fewer people will be feeding petpets to Florg. We need more people to feed Florg!"

by blackcairn
Rupert's First Mission

Lots of fighting, they had said, when the recruiters came to the doors of his and his parents' little farm house, located on a quiet area of a fluffy white Babaa. Like a fool, he'd accepted their offer...

by puffpastry654

"Don't worry, buddy," Donald called to me from the bleachers, noticing my nervousness. "You ace this thing every night..."

by springsteen0991
Sibby and the Beach Cave

"The pirates are coming!"

by myrtale
A Faerie Tale

She lived in the Haunted Woods; but now that she was alone, in the dark, far from the warmth of her bed...

by themagpiesbanter

Something had changed. Instead of staring absently at the ceiling or playing around with his quill, he was scratching away like mad at the parchment in front of him...

by c_h_e_e_z_e_s
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Bumble Beaming

Oh no! The Robot Petpets have been wandering around and are now lost in the Recycling Centre! YOUR goal is to save as many of these wayward petpets as you can by maneuvering them on several beams in an effort to place them in recycling bins. As you progress further in the game, your margin of error will have to decrease because of limited resources and rusty equipment. Petpets that aren't saved will be...

Other Stories


The Milestones of Neopia
Well, to rich Neopians, earning your first 50k doesn't seem like a big deal. But to others, it's something to be proud of...

by 24meepit13


The Twenty Most Delicious Desserts
What desserts are so mind-numbingly sugary-sweet and powerful and delicious and cute and smooth and chocolatey and creamy and soft and mouth-watering, that they are put into the top-twenty best desserts in all of our Neopia?

by harrypotterfan9001


Outsider Within: Web of Deceit - Part Four
"Mister Barlow, it is my job to ensure the safety of all of the Citadel's inhabitants. Any concerns you may have must be addressed..."

by tashni


Dark Friend: Part Three
"Would you rather remain here for all eternity?" Cindon questioned...

by petfriendamy


My Grarrl Bob!
Wake up, little Bob!

by larenchan


Scribbles of the Insane: Hotdog?

by ali10127

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