A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 177,588,188 Issue: 185 | 8th day of Eating, Y7
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New Series

Prophecy of the Equinox: Part One

“The egg shall be yours by midnight, you may be assured...”

by laurelinden
The Crystal Eye Prophecy: Part One

"...The Crystal decides what will stay and will change."

by vanessa1357924680
The Legend of Hannah: The Pirate Caves - Part One

She had always wanted a life of danger, yet nothing ever happened in the isolated island of Krawks...

by riorocks68
King Roo: Part One

Many know of King Roo as the ruler of Roo Island and who is obsessed with dice-a-roo. But how many know of King Roo before he became king?

by scarletrhapsody
Moonlit Peaks: Part One

"I still find it annoying. I had to be your partner for our science project last term, and now I'm your 'explorer buddy' for our stupid field trip to Terror Mountain!"

by battlesunn
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"Prophecy of the Equinox: Part One" by laurelinden
"You know already that the prophecy is to begin on this day, the winter solstice, ‘deepest dark of night,’ and I have chosen you to carry out the first step. Bring the egg to me..."

Other Stories


Dear Mrs. Cleaver
I didn't want to give Mrs. Cleaver, my teacher, just any old thing. I wanted something special. One problem there was I didn't know what...

by lemmykoopa300


The Cursed Anubis
"Some say it's desperate Neopets, lost and in need of food and water. But only a true Neopet would know it is the Cursed Anubis himself."

by dragoncatcher_sammy


Spending Skill Points WISELY in NeoQuest II
I have an entirely different approach to spending skill points to help you avoid “wasting” points. First, I would like to reintroduce you to the 4 characters who will comprise your party along with all of their skills and a suggested order for spending their skill points...

by parkerchempro


Is Altruism Alive in the National Neopian?
How exactly does the administration keep our valuables from being stolen?

by orangefizz02_28


A Day In The Lost Desert
Oh boy! Coltzan's Shrine!

by evil_squirrelz


Too Literal

Also by starcaw

by hottamale0774

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