Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 177,588,188 Issue: 185 | 8th day of Eating, Y7
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Read Again

It's been so long...

by fetedieu
The Joys of Being Neopian - Skarl

No wonder they call him the grumpy old king...

by ireallylovesb
Fond Memories: Battledome Glitches

Thank your lucky stars you dont get THESE sort of glitches!

by prettyprincesslady54
Kooky Absurdity

Picky eater.

by tsukuyomaru
A New Game

One of Sloth's favorite games.

by confuzerated
Game Guide - Attack of the Slorgs

How to get the Attack of the Slorgs avatar...

by x_b0b0_x

You're suppose to evade it...

by wicked_dragonite
Third Degree Choas: Talking to Turnalis

Turnalis are a bit odd ^^;

by neodandelion
Random Things


by sky665
Unintended Uses


Art by shadih_temporary

by kikik312

A Day In The Lost Desert

Oh boy! Coltzan's Shrine!

by evil_squirrelz
Who are you calling FUNNY?

I don't get it! *blink*

by aimeilee
Virtu Agents

"Only Hope"

by agentsaepenon
Too Literal


Also by starcaw

by hottamale0774


Talk about weird taste...

by huggsy_666
Speck the Speckled

What's the matter, Speck?

by cheetah_kougra
Buzzer Game

These guys are a little too good >:)

by fetedieu
The Pet Patrol Revolution - Kindergarten

Litmo & Friends

by neo_tomi
Neofriends - April Fools

I can't believe it!!

by arbok2000
Legends of Neopia

Armin receives an unexpected guest. Who could it be??

by iriswind
Deranged But Fun

sigh... He is so gullible...

by jusygo
Search the Neopian Times


"The Truth About Being Popular" by neo_star_queen
"I can't believe she thinks she can be smart and pretty," commented a Wocky to the left of our protagonist to her friend, apparently under the impression that Mel either had no ears or no heart...

Other Stories


Angel and Illusen
"I see no point in watching arrows fly and hit stuff for kicks," declared Angel, turning away from his sister. "We should've just gone to the farm."

by precious_katuch14


The Truth about Being Popular
Melissa, called Mel by her friends, one of the most popular girls at Pawspring Neoschool, and definitely the most popular Island Aisha, had endured a horrible night filled with horrible dreams...

by neo_star_queen


Conquering the Invasion
Invasion of Meridell 300 BN is a complex game of strategy and luck...

by iom_champ


The Kadoatery: A Draik’s Worst Nightmare

Also by everybody_say_moo

by gizmoweis2


The Uni and the Miamouse: Part Two
"We'll find her, Cuni, whatever it takes," vowed Winny. She looked determined. "She is a faerie Petpet, right? I mean, Miamice are originally from Faerieland, yes?"

by 3dcourtney12044


The Great Migration: Part Two
"Your intelligence is your weakest point, Arkatha," Lody spoke up. "If we were meant to be intelligent, we would be born that way."

by spiritwolf_forever

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