Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 177,588,188 Issue: 185 | 8th day of Eating, Y7
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Short Stories

I Hate Terror Mountain

The yellow Zafara didn't like the climate. It contrasted awfully to her bright yellow fur and the wind seeped right through her bones. From the first moment she had set her foot there, she felt cold.

by shadowcristal
Dear Mrs. Cleaver

I didn't want to give Mrs. Cleaver, my teacher, just any old thing. I wanted something special. One problem there was I didn't know what...

by lemmykoopa300
The Truth about Being Popular

Melissa, called Mel by her friends, one of the most popular girls at Pawspring Neoschool, and definitely the most popular Island Aisha, had endured a horrible night filled with horrible dreams...

by neo_star_queen
Excuses, Excuses!

"Well, you're obviously all fine, so I am really curious about why you are so late getting home. Would somebody like to tell the tale?"

by hottamale0774
Angel and Illusen

"I see no point in watching arrows fly and hit stuff for kicks," declared Angel, turning away from his sister. "We should've just gone to the farm."

by precious_katuch14
The Spending Spree

"Carl, this is the money we're going to buy food with," said the red Jetsam as he handed some coins to his brother. "Don't spend it!"

by nut862
Dr. Yotaria, ISP

A sign declaring "Sikowlogest" (Lyrian's doing) and the hours was placed in the front window of our Neohome. In the room that was to serve as the office, we framed and hung a few 'certificates' authenticating my claim to psychologist...ness.

by extreme_fj0rd
The Cursed Anubis

"Some say it's desperate Neopets, lost and in need of food and water. But only a true Neopet would know it is the Cursed Anubis himself."

by dragoncatcher_sammy
The Wrath of Caylis

“Both you and I know that Caylis has no power over her visions, nor do I. She could not control the occurring tragedies and neither could anyone else. I think she deserves a second chance.”

by illusen346
Lost In The Dark

Roland walked at a quicker pace, now the sun had set it was getting colder, and Roland had always heard the stories of Neopets that had got lost and never returned in the Neopian plains.

by _sugarygoodness_
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"Prophecy of the Equinox: Part One" by laurelinden
"You know already that the prophecy is to begin on this day, the winter solstice, ‘deepest dark of night,’ and I have chosen you to carry out the first step. Bring the egg to me..."

Other Stories


Is Altruism Alive in the National Neopian?
How exactly does the administration keep our valuables from being stolen?

by orangefizz02_28


Top 10 Uses and Tips For the Lab Ray
If you're thinking about using the Lab Ray, I strongly recommend you read this first!

by kitokat_mh


Escape Artists - Part Three
Inside the Pound, there was chaos everywhere. Dozens of Neopets, some free for the first time in months, ran everywhere as the guards tried desperately to catch them all.

by moosuem


The Great Migration: Part Two
"Your intelligence is your weakest point, Arkatha," Lody spoke up. "If we were meant to be intelligent, we would be born that way."

by spiritwolf_forever


Read Again
It's been so long...

by fetedieu


The Joys of Being Neopian - Skarl
No wonder they call him the grumpy old king...

by ireallylovesb

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