Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,568,431 Issue: 773 | 17th day of Running, Y19
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I've submitted about 2 comics to the Neopian Times so far. I was wondering how long it usually takes to get an acceptance/rejection response for my submissions. I know some other Neopians who have gotten a response within a week or so, but I'm still waiting for a response for my very first submission (1 month ago). Anyway, thank you for reading this and I hope you can answer my question! ~ aerospice
The turnaround time is usually pretty quick, so if you haven't heard back, I'd double check your submission meets all the specs - file type, size, etc. Otherwise, we may not ever see it! If you're still having trouble, you can also always neomail nt_editor for help!

Hi! I would like to submit my Neopets-related artwork to the Neopets Art Gallery and to other contests on Neopets (for example, Neopet Spotlight). I know that the works of art have to be 100% my own artwork, but I am wondering if I am allowed to draw the pets in the same poses that they appear in pictures on Neopets, such as from the How To Draw Neopets page. Would this be allowed? Thank you! ~ millyandsugar
Hi there! The How to Draw pages are there to teach you how to draw Neopets! Using those poses, as long as you drew them, is fine. Happy drawing!

I was going through my Safety Deposit Box the other day, and I noticed that the Battledome weapon Parachute Dynamite (a GMC prize) was classified as "none". Seeing as the dynamite in question is quite unexploded and therefore still there, perhaps you could drop a note (parachute optional) on the desk of the proper authority? Also note, all puns are quite intentional. ~jara_hamee
If you check again, I think you'll find an explosive solution has parachuted in... too much?

Hey CQ! I've got a question that no one seems to be able to answer. Let's say someone wins the weekly gallery spotlight, and then at a later time submits a brand new complete gallery. Are they able to win the spotlight twice and have a "x2" next to their trophy on their lookup? + a bonus question: Can someone submit a gallery on their side but ask the trophy be rewarded on their main? Thanks! ~ hawtscene
Hi! Yes, the same user can win more than once if they have two differently themed galleries. Some users have done it, although it doesn't happen often, as it would take a long time to win again. There is no gold ban on the gallery spotlight.

It was a fantastic Faerie quest event! *throwing candies and confettis everywhere* The new wings will be nice on Disco Neopets. But they certainly would be nicer if Neopets natural wings would not appear in the same time! Can it be corrected, please? ~ phenixiasama
It can indeed, my friend! You are good to go - glad you enjoyed the event!

Hi country Queen, so I have been stocking up on burritos and achifyi in preparation for the ac. But just realized I dont even know if there will be an AC this year, will the AC be returning this year? And if so will there be any format changes, hands you obligatory plate of bribery cookies -shifty eyes-. ~ deltamorious
*looks around shiftily, eats cookies and whispers* yes, AC will be back, but that's all I know. Changes are unknown as of yet. *Steps back into the shadows*

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