teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 194,568,431 Issue: 773 | 17th day of Running, Y19
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Faerie Quests

by tonyrichard

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Great stories!


How It Felt Getting My Dream Pet
If you’ve been around Neopets very long, you’ll notice there are lots of different pet species (fifty-five to be exact) and many color options (over seventy!). And, if you’re like most Neopians, one of those magic combinations will be your absolute, utter favorite, one that you’re set on obtaining. That, friend, is what we call a dreamie.

by butterflybandage


At Least You Tried
When do you think she will realize?

Also by polaroidrose

by o_babypet4me_o


Spring Break in Neopia
Spring Break 2017 is upon us, and I’m here to give you all the best advice on where to travel in Neopia so you can live it up. From the beautiful golden sun, to the polar-capped mountains, Neopia has it all.

by lefaii


Blossoms ~ Secrets Pt.2
Sentries were found and picked from all around the world...

by twillieblossom

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