Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 189,352,855 Issue: 552 | 6th day of Swimming, Y14
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Continued Series

Mr. Jennings Must Die: Part Eight

"You just destroyed his empire," Brexis pointed out. "Thought you might be interested."

by herdygerdy
The Game of Master Hog: Part Six

Standing atop the westernmost tower of the Citadel, Lord Quai stared out into the gloomy barrier obscuring their path. His scouts were out there somewhere...

by d_morton
Kings and Curses: Part Three

Nabile asked, "Has something gone wrong, milady?"

Fyora closed her violet eyes briefly. "I've received word that the tomb of Aurajar the Cruel has been rediscovered."

by saphira_27

Petpet Adventures: Mistress Maxie's Marvellous Circus - Part Four

"She's still not awake," Labez was saying. "I went up as close as I could to her face without burning it, and she didn't even twitch."

Eva was frowning. "That's strange," she said.

by rachelindea

The Mystery of the Maraquan Ball: Part Four

"We thought the Mystery Island ferry was the right one... but that ferry probably doesn't even go as far as Maraqua. We need to jump off the boat we're about to get on."

by wingedwithfeathers
The Explorer: Part Two

She gasped. "This was part of the bag one of the Meerca Brothers had! Sloane was right..."

by dachshundlover13
Of Squibble Berries and Olives: Part Four

"...It's been a long day," Brynn said with a sigh. "You really are corrupting Neopia's youth, you know."

by shy_gurl1983
A House Divided Cannot Stand: Part Three

"Changed your mind?" Tenori asked, raising an eyebrow languidly.

"No," Dragon said and shook her head. "I just can't abandon her without her being with me."

by dragon_soul__

Pirates of Shenkuu: Part Two

"I'll help you with the loading," I say at once. Hangyun's has always been one of my favorite shops to go to; I love looking at the ships and sails and imagining myself in them.

by cityface28761
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"Vision in Sight" by flerpers
Our protagonist, Thoguh the Tyrannian JubJub, was once again stumbling through his morning routine. Thoguh was "blessed" with extremely thick, dark eyebrows, leaving his vision blocked for the most part. "Why did I have to get my mother's eyebrows?"

Other Stories


The Finals of Altador Cup 20
We're glad you could join us today folks! After many days and many games, we're finally at the finals of the Altador Cup 20!

by dr_tomoe


A Screechy Situation
"That wasn't the neighbors, silly Poogle," Hasiera replied. "That was their Kadoatie. They're known for constant wailing."

by honeybee_462


Top 10 Neopian Noodles
If you love noodles even half as much as I do, you will really fall into your bowl over my list of Neopia's top ten noodles!

by dustbunnie201


Tea Time With Granny
Granny's got some wisdom to impart to you young Neopians. I haven't been around all these years for nothing, alright! So, listen up!

by jocelyn_joy


Azzle Coffee
I wonder what its owner must be like...

Idea by manforgot

by _hawii_


The Shoyru Club - Treasure Of The Black Pawkeet
Do Pawkeets even come in black?!

by the_shoyru_gal

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