Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 183,942,985 Issue: 478 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y13
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Continued Series

The Page's Promise: Part Two

The next two years were one long dream for Trayanne. She had good food, an even better Neohome, and a still better family.

by thediractor
The Play's the Thing: Part Five

"It's obviously supposed to signify Esmeralda's transformation into a maddened witch after she lost the Baron," the other voice said knowledgably. "Gosh, don't you know anything about the theatre?"

by herdygerdy
The Wheel of Glory: Part Four

Doc laughed. "Imagine it – we're in one of best worlds in Neopia for a journey, and Vile's on a wild-Mallard chase in the middle of the desert!"

by saphira_27
Unrest: Part Four

Massie's eyes drifted closed. "They didn't follow us, 'Nette. They let us go. Isn't that weird?"

by linda_reincarnated
College Days: A Pirate Adventure - Part Three

Meadowbuck slid down to the floor, shivering. "They were here," he said. "And they've got Christopher."

by newenglandquizzer
Remembering Rue: Part Two

She looked up and saw, silhouetted against the mountain, a clockwork ski lift heading upwards, its lines stretching toward the sky and disappearing over the peak...

by hedgehog_queen
Never Send a Mystery Capsule to Dr. Sloth: Part Two

"S-s-s-s..." she said, staring past me up to the super-villain. "Sloth!" she finally managed, eyes like saucers.

by fuzzymonkey31
The Greatest Treasure: Part Four

"I'm not staying on the boat!" Cheikz fumed, and he stomped off into the woods.

Also by bluerang1

by masaryk_the_mad

The Great Race: Part Three

"Hot!" Sirenia threw herself into the shade of a large rock. "I think I liked the snow better."

by solcana64
I'm Runner: Part Three

Once up the stairs, I'm transported from the world of peeling wallpaper and monstrous sofas to a casual café, where the neopets around look calm and relaxed.

by peachwriting
Flashpoint: Part Two

I barely had enough time to fire up my mag boots before a massive explosion shook the space station right down to its imaginary foundations.

Also by livvy_granger

by antiaircraft

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Why New Faerieland

Do you have any idea how much magic energy it takes to maintain an entire city the size of Faerieland floating midair? Well, it takes a lot of energy. Now, given that the faeries have so much in their schedule with Neopians asking for magic potions and employment that they don't even have time to find their own items, wouldn't you agree that it would be more adequate to ease their workload and give them more time and energy? Maybe if they didn't have so much on their...

Other Stories


Neopian Idol
"Try to contain your enthusiasm as you CALMLY enter the house..."


by pretsel_is_back


The Non Believer
"Elizabeth! Elizabeth! The adopted neopet has arrived!" Rosemarie proudly announced from the kitchen chamber.

by sakura_blossom77


Gourmet Club
An adventurous spirit and the ability to look past what some may call unsavory is an absolute necessity!

Also by boombaby13

by blackwater444


Let's Get Ready To Bumble!
Sometimes recycling is a bad thing!

by lab_it


Tin Box!: Holiday Thank you letters

by thegoddesofxweetok1


Team Mayhem
Doctor Sloth has come to a STUNNING realization about Quigukis.

by dark_moon_blossom

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