Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 183,942,985 Issue: 478 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y13
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Sliding to Gold: A Let It Slide Game Guide

The premise of Let It Slide is very simple. You play a Snuffly wandering through the perilous Ice Caves...

Also by repulsives

by ava_ked

What Type of Muffin Are You?

I considered for a LONG time what I should do. I was considering jellies, paint brushes, and even yo-yos. Muffins win!

by lola123_52
I See Right Through You!

With my unbiased, revolutionary, humble, and much needed commentary, I will share with you exactly where Neopia has gone wrong this time.

by helpamerica38
Man and Ice Cream: The Eternal Struggle

Those nasty ice cream scoops got poor Adee again. ):

by norneia
Gourmet Club

An adventurous spirit and the ability to look past what some may call unsavory is an absolute necessity!

Also by boombaby13

by blackwater444

Faerieland: Fallen but Unfettered

Several weeks ago, dark magic conjured by Xandra caused Faerieland to fall out of the sky, and a massive crater appeared east of the Haunted Woods.

by black_skull725
Let's Get Ready To Bumble!

Sometimes recycling is a bad thing!

by lab_it
What Should You Write For the Times

Do you love to write but don't know how you can make your normal writing relate to Neopia? Get constant writer's block? Want to write but don't have any ideas? Then this quiz is for you!

by iloveharrypotter8989
Spotlight on Y12

To close off Y12 in style, join us as we recap some of the most memorable events on the site.

Also by lovagees

by yuri445

The Top 5 New Year's Resolutions of Y13

So now that we've all rung in the New Year with our fireworks, streamers, and noisemakers, it's time to get down to business with those New Year's Resolutions.

by bittersweet52
A Much Needed Explanation - Why New Faerieland

Do you have any idea how much magic energy it takes to maintain an entire city the size of Faerieland floating midair?

by hidden_0_o
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"Together Forever" by kellique11
DarkMoon put his paw on my back. "This is going to be hard for everyone, Heidi, but if we all look out for each other, we can make it," he said half-heartedly. I just nodded and picked up Misty, my month old Baby Kougra sister. DarkMoon followed as I walked her up into Darrel's room. He was staring at his feet with a grim expression on his face. We all just sat down on his bed and said nothing for what seemed like hours. "Cheer up, guys! Maybe we can... do something... like... umm... go to... that... that one place... next to the..."

Other Stories


Together Forever
"It's not what you did, it's what I want!" Katie said.

by kellique11


The Last Faerie
Not all of the faeries were frozen...

by catlit262


Remembering Rue: Part Two
She looked up and saw, silhouetted against the mountain, a clockwork ski lift heading upwards, its lines stretching toward the sky and disappearing over the peak...

by hedgehog_queen


I'm Runner: Part Three
Once up the stairs, I'm transported from the world of peeling wallpaper and monstrous sofas to a casual café, where the neopets around look calm and relaxed.

by peachwriting


The Trouble With: Battledome Equipment
Always make sure you know WHAT you have and HOW it's SUPPOSED TO be used!

by acexcat13


The Bunker - The Makeover (Part 8)
Nobody NEEDS cereal...

by hubadawaha

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