Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 183,942,985 Issue: 478 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y13
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Techopalooza: Waterfish

Its existence is incomprehensible.

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5
Made of Gold?

Oh no, she's made of gold!

by djudju22_8
Results May Vary

Rain? What rain?

by return_of_itsy
True Story

Just to know this actually happened to me ;)

by mydads69
The Brickwall

I got a hat!

by demopetsneedlurve
The Pound Chat

Never judge a book by its cover.

by windish1234
The Chalieen Adventures #1

Not gloves?

by luigi504
The 'Tok of the Town: This Game Stinks

Something's rotten in the state of Meridell Acres...

by moonlightfear
The Dark Side

How to deal with that pesky kadoatie.

by vira8
Gender Changing

How the Lab Ray really changes genders.

by jollygeek
More Hardships of...Habitarium P3s Part 2

Seriously, it's not easy being a P3.

by alagfalaswen
In The Pumpkin Patch


by _owlsong_
The Trouble With: Battledome Equipment

Always make sure you know WHAT you have and HOW it's SUPPOSED TO be used!

by acexcat13
Team Mayhem

Doctor Sloth has come to a STUNNING realization about Quigukis.

by dark_moon_blossom
The Funnies: Kreludor Mine

In which we learn why there is no working authorization code.

by penskii

Sorry, Arulor, but CAKE is Khale's favorite word.

by redwallgirly
Neo Life Lessons : Part 1

The real life lessons our site teaches us.

Art by vampirebunny18

by sarcasticdeath

Ghost Pets

...You eat what?

by ghostlyswim
Neopian Antics #8: It's tough being the active pet

Active pets always go through the worst things...

by ahqua
For the Lulz - The Daily Puzzle

I always wondered about that guy...

by mooseydoom101
Literally ~ Babysitter Problems

Did you say your name was Rigg_a_Mortis?

by pirate_cove
The Comic comic

Gotta face your fear of faces for this one.

by caterait
The Wonderful World of Larnikins

Being a Larnikin nester surely is a very hard task.

by ertegenaan

Well, that's one way to outsmart the Money Tree regulars...

by ilarvitar
My... My arm?


by qutgrl7
SuAP vs. Neopia

A Super Attack Pea decides to steal Sloth's diabolical plan to take over Neopia! Who will stop it?!

by pockyluv
Dont Defrost

Don't Defrost all foods before you cook or eat.

by actinia
Shades and Hues 06

Shattered Purity Arc; Part 2/15

by mstr_dark
One Fish, Two Fish

When it snows, it... um... pours snow?

by fish_puddle
Tin Box!: Holiday Thank you letters


by thegoddesofxweetok1
Suspension of Disbelief

Why plots take place in an alternate continuity...

by a_gogo
In the Eyes of a Ghostkerchief

Everything isn't how it seems...

by piercecarter
The Bunker - The Makeover (Part 8)

Nobody NEEDS cereal...

by hubadawaha

Quoxwood returns home! ...Again!

by lachtaube
Search the Neopian Times


Spotlight on Y12

Y13 is finally here. Welcome, New Year! We hope the past year was good to each and everyone. To close off Y12 in style, join us as we recap some of the most memorable events on the site. Shocking New Colors: A Boochi shield no more! TNT surprised everyone - the last two pets to have no baby colors finally got hit by Boochi! Krawks and Lutaris made their debut in their new cute and cuddly designs as babies. Topping the list of the most memorable colors released were...

Other Stories


The Last Faerie
Not all of the faeries were frozen...

by catlit262


One Card
I sighed and eyed the dusty-tan coloured Cybunny as she drew a thin Scorched Treasure scratchcard out of the metal bin and slapped it down on the counter.

by warzia


What Should You Write For the Times
Do you love to write but don't know how you can make your normal writing relate to Neopia? Get constant writer's block? Want to write but don't have any ideas? Then this quiz is for you!

by iloveharrypotter8989


Gourmet Club
An adventurous spirit and the ability to look past what some may call unsavory is an absolute necessity!

Also by boombaby13

by blackwater444


The Play's the Thing: Part Five
"It's obviously supposed to signify Esmeralda's transformation into a maddened witch after she lost the Baron," the other voice said knowledgably. "Gosh, don't you know anything about the theatre?"

by herdygerdy


The Wheel of Glory: Part Four
Doc laughed. "Imagine it – we're in one of best worlds in Neopia for a journey, and Vile's on a wild-Mallard chase in the middle of the desert!"

by saphira_27

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