Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 170,229,176 Issue: 391 | 8th day of Hunting, Y11
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Continued Series

The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Yanked Yooyus - Part Ten

I hated feeling this way. I wanted the big lead to fall into my lap so we could get this thing solved.

by playmobil_is_my_life
Messenger: Just Another Pirate Tale - Part Five

Suddenly my line of vision was blocked. I craned my neck, tilting my head upward. A pirate was looking down at me...

by hedgehog_queen
Another Chance: Part Three

I couldn't believe it; this Water Faerie was offering me a free chance to heal myself.

by a_greenparrot
A Rainbow Behind Dark Clouds: Part Two

To say she was nervous would be an extreme understatement. Slowly but surely her fear of her or her siblings being traded or adopted was consuming her whole life...

by tiquandowitch
The Wish: Part Four

I stopped at Kiko Lake. My wings were tired, and I couldn't fly another inch. The baby Zafara was sleeping in my arms...

by newmoon653
Millions: Part Two

Pan was in the next room, looking at the prescription. She was thinking of what the doctor had said – 'almost incurable'.

by _vinegirl_
Intrigue at the Altador Cup: Part Three

Tobik's holiday home was a mansion, as Fredrick had expected.

by herdygerdy
The Water Faerie Necklace: Part Three

"You cannot take it off?" the Tombola man echoed. He started to sweat a bit. "My my, that is strange."

by jbergz8495
The One about Lightmites: Part Two

The servants could not be more inviting or benevolent in their acceptance of me. They speak not of my grandfather, 'tis true, but that is most understandable...

by jack_skelling10
Another Story: Part Three

"It must be 'Show the World the Secret Resistance Headquarters' Day!" he shouted back in an amused tone, still facing his screen.

by limegreenelephant
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"The Mystery of the Disappearing Socks" by mezvi_the_shnooky
Hilly heaved a sigh, stood up and looked over the socks laid out on the floor. There were no matches. Single socks simply spread out on the sunshine yellow floor. Socks of all colors, stripes, spots and polka dots. There was a yellow sock with purple dots and a purple sock with yellow dots, a bright rainbow striped and a dark rainbow stripe, but no match. The poor socks were simply alone...

Other Stories


The Merchant of Shenkuu
Captain Thare watched, his chest swelling with pride, as the massive ship floated gently into the sky-harbor.

by dragonstorm_75


Today was a very special day, but Abigail seriously doubted that her brother knew.

by o_liveandlearn_o


Unsung No More. Neopian Heroes Revealed!
After all, without them, where would we be today?

by jayo289


Kyrii in particular have a profound weakness for apples.

by black_sunset01


This is what's happening if you make a fire pet angry...

by happymoon109


Simple Demands: A Hairless Situation
Not bald; Just thin hair!

by warriorsluverdbook

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