Meow Circulation: 170,229,176 Issue: 391 | 8th day of Hunting, Y11
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Unsung No More. Neopian Heroes Revealed!

After all, without them, where would we be today?

by jayo289
In Other News: News on Paper

I present to you the latest installment of In Other News, where fictional events are pretty much real.

by yippo_yippee
Solving Wheeler's Wild Ride

This is a guide to solving all nine levels of Wheeler's Wild Ride.

by fyora123123
Competing With Edna

So, you want to be a witch, eh? You wouldn't mind donning that pointy hat and tossing around a few magical words to turn Neopians into Mortogs?

by giggilogalmewmew
Top Ten Usukis In Neopia

Some are on this list because they're cheap, some because they're rare, and some because they just look cool.

by respect19

Kyrii in particular have a profound weakness for apples.

by black_sunset01
Beyond the Brass

How about you set your little musician up with an instrument that's cooler than usual? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

by mheetu
How Much Should Skeiths Eat? - A Warning of Appetite

Neopian statutes are silent on the subject, and any courts there might be, with negligence typical of such bureaucratic office, have never judicially decided in any way, shape, or form, the amount of food necessary for the rampaging hunger of a Skeith.

by rubicanteoffire
What's Sought, What's Not!

An NC Mall Guide for today's popular items and yesterday's has-beens.

by destinationxunknown
How to Dance Like Rosie, And Other Important Things

Step 3: dislocate kneecaps.

by larkspurlane
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"Devotion" by punctuation_ninja
Lisa jutted her lip out in a fierce glare. She had a bigger temper than I did, and bullies rarely fazed her. "Well, that's just tough luck then, ain't it?" she said. Bruiser's face flattened into a snarl and he shoved Lisa backwards. She fell to the ground, and started to cry. I tried to jump at Bruiser to claw him. I must have looked ridiculous, a pint-sized brown Kougra fighting a Moehog eight times my size...

Other Stories


Trading For Fun and Profit
I set up a sign:

Owner UFT!

Then I sat down and waited.

by cookybananas324


The Spirit of the Sword
"Then get yerself a new sword, matey! You know old Patannis has a good supply of the finest swords."

by moonea123


Millions: Part Two
Pan was in the next room, looking at the prescription. She was thinking of what the doctor had said – 'almost incurable'.

by _vinegirl_


The One about Lightmites: Part Two
The servants could not be more inviting or benevolent in their acceptance of me. They speak not of my grandfather, 'tis true, but that is most understandable...

by jack_skelling10


This & That
Hey! What happened to all my neopoints?!

by niquacoolk


Wickedly Deranged: The Beginning
A deranged Baby Buzz and her Mutant Aisha counterpart... help me....

by hali12114721767

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