Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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Continued Series

Farside Base: Part Seven

Sloth wasn't expecting us, that much was clear. It was very slightly amusing to see the huge ship slowly turn in answer to our cannon fire...

by freefalldreams
Cycle of the Moon: Part Nine

The night of the Lunar Festival had arrived, and with it had come the spirits of the five senses, good and evil, to enjoy their few hours of freedom before the new year arrived.

by reggieman721
An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part Seven

"What if the room caves in, or Neopia explodes, or the stones disintegrate? Don't do it!"

by _lapaix
Outsider Within: Face of Evil - Part Six

D.A. leapt up and whipped her sword around to face Anna.

by tashni
A Star-Spattered Sky: Part Five

"When did you wake up? Do you feel alright? Has Deriun told you all about who poisoned you?"

by buds_and_authors
Handed in for an English Homework: Part Four

"I'm so scared of getting an owner who won't care about me, and I'll just sit there rotting. At least in the pound there are always things to do, people to talk to."

by ralph89170
Unwanted: Part Three

Sleep was slowly disappearing behind me. That's when it happened – the vision.

by seegensays
Return of the Crimson Witch: Part Two

"Nothing yellow's ever amounted to anything," Edna said knowingly.

by herdygerdy
A Kettle and a Cackle: Part Two

I was now a Bartamus named River. What an odd combination. Flexing my wings, I lifted myself off the ground and flew swiftly out the window.

by semicutie3
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Yanked Yooyus - Part Three

"Sorry," she exclaimed, and then her expression turned to suspicion. "Hey, how did you get down there? That's a restricted area."

by playmobil_is_my_life
Betrayed: Part Two

The Xweetok turned to look at him just as he noticed her. Their eyes locked. Fang saw emptiness in her eyes, a painful fear and loneliness that he couldn't bear.

by whiskerun
The Sorcerer: Part Three

Conjuring fire was an elementary skill, but Lisha was rather curious to see whether Mr. Lockwood would find it as easy as most...

by jokerhahaazzz
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"Green With Envy" by dragonlover8560
At first, Reggie hadn't minded being painted White. Well... it hadn't been his first choice of pet colors, but it was the only choice that his owner could afford at the time. Being painted pure white had been okay for a month or so. But then it began to seem pretty dull. What pet ever wanted to be stuck permanently wearing a basic color like White? Nobody--- Reggie had decided this long ago---they just wouldn't admit it...

Other Stories


Mahyla, the speckled Draik, listened to this complaint with unbridled disdain. Did she care whose toes she stomped on along the way?

by ayame_23


Foreseen and Unforeseen
Olivia plopped down onto the stump as well, gazing at the wildflower buds growing in patches throughout the Glade. "They're pretty... but I can't pick them yet."

by precious_katuch14


Alternate Uses for Illusen's Underappreciated Prizes
The main use and three alternate uses of the five cheapest prizes from Illusen's Glade.

by rosabellk


How To Get On Illusen's Good Side
Do not call Illusen a "mushroom-headed freak."

by larkspurlane


The Preposterous Professor - Episode 3
I before E except after C?

by _dead_meat_x_


Wings 'N' All
Oh man this is so totally awsome!

by artistic_cookie

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