Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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New Series

New World: Part One

Lari turned back to the shimmering portal and closed his eyes. "Never look back," he thought to himself...

by kirednb
In The Shadows: Part One

Katerina would never, EVER, run away. He would prove all of those people wrong...

by crazy_4_sushi
Shad and Saura: Black Fire - Part One

"It's not likely that she'll let you in," the Tonu said thoughtfully, "but if you ask nicely, she might make an exception for you. There are never visitors at her place..."

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl

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Petpet Plunge Guide

In the Maraquan seabed, there is treasure everywhere. Hidden from sight, it has not been found until now. The brave Skeith, Sir Pompadour, thinks he can get it and become as rich as he could ever imagine. Too bad the sunken goods are under water, but what would you expect from a treasure in the depths of Maraqua? Sir Pompadour does not want to get his neat hair wet, or else he will have to comb it all over again... Boohoo. His solution is to get Maraquan Petpets to collect the treasure...

Other Stories


Foreseen and Unforeseen
Olivia plopped down onto the stump as well, gazing at the wildflower buds growing in patches throughout the Glade. "They're pretty... but I can't pick them yet."

by precious_katuch14


The Illustrious Meepit Show
What I say isn't offensive at all. It only becomes an argument when the person replies back.

by spoonguardonline


Five Ways to Prank your Guildmates
Put on your prankster hat and get to work!

by tentilio


The Joys of a Robotic Neopet
I've made it my mission to educate the population of Neopia on the real qualities of Robot Neopets, to prove that they are pets worth owning.

by jayo289


Take that!

by _pokemon12_63


When building a house...
...take a moment to consider why the site was so cheap.

by siddiemeo

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