Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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No Sugar

Ms. Illusen is here to see your greenhouse.

by pawz11

Happy Illusen Day, from Ubuuroi.

by lachtaube
Slightly Meltish: Not just an avatar item

He has feelings too...

by sloshypond
Illusen's Staff

It's not easy to get...

Also by junamai

by blaumann

Hey Illusen!

What a desperate fella...

Drawn by jellyshroom

by sakananao

Zip Zap- Here We Come!

Great, Ichigo is crazy again. *sigh*

by fairyfantasywings
One Fish, Two Fish

Desperation takes many forms.

by fish_puddle
CayCaed! #3

In which Caedir and Caylir find that some faeries are just insane and can't be trusted with that sort of power.

by kattrish
The Preposterous Professor - Episode 3

I before E except after C?

by _dead_meat_x_
Sloth's Revenge

Sloth finally had enough.

by tamtwo35
Illusen's Quest: Never!

''How dare you!''

by happymoon109
Starry Stuff Illusen Special

Silly avatar!!

by marilltachiquin
Neopian Antics #3: Not so eye candy

Spooky treats can always be misleading. u_u

by ahqua
In the Name of Science

Not what he had in mind...

by lombre
SkyJewel the Aisha Sorceress


by learii_is_awesome
When Shadows Go Bad 2

A rather... strange ending.

by puppy_angle111

Take that!

by _pokemon12_63
Heart To Hear

Thanks, I just got my hair done. :D

by machatidokidoki
When building a house...

...take a moment to consider why the site was so cheap.

by siddiemeo
Fail Pant Devil

Scrablik fails at scaring Sora. ):

by trikum
Illusen's Day Off

Uh oh.

by xxkatiexx_07
NNF Field Report: Zombies Don't Like Zombie Jokes

Out on the field...

by uniqqued_
Wings 'N' All

Oh man this is so totally awsome!

by artistic_cookie

Back to the easy quests for you!

Idea by neckties

by yampuff

Completely Smart

Why does Atty have so many pets?

by ms_meepit
Meet Lump

Lump is the strong, silent type.

by yinna65

Ilere's Quest, Lvl 1.

by ghostkomorichu
The Gift of Giving


Art by kitsune_wolf_youkai

by cyniska

Random Events in Neopia

Wheee! Kaus can fly!

by spirited_dolphin
Amikarashui Illusen Day Special

Happy Illusen Day!

by bluecloud300
Kite Strings

A young Kacheek finds out the simplest way to Kreludor.

by 1cecubeh
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"Replacing Illusen" by a_greenparrot
After much biting on her long green nails and tugging on her brown and green hair, Illusen came to the conclusion that she would have to find someone to replace her for the day. The Earth Faerie stood up and paced around her glade. She still had a bit of a dilemma; not just anyone could replace her. It had to be a faerie; and Earth Faerie would be best. This person had to be someone that Illusen could trust and was good at magic...

Other Stories


Mahyla, the speckled Draik, listened to this complaint with unbridled disdain. Did she care whose toes she stomped on along the way?

by ayame_23


Friends Forever
When someone says they'll be your Friend Forever, they're telling a big lie.

by paperhippo


Article Spies - Illusen
I've been to Illusen's Glade dozens of times, and only about eight of them involved me getting chased off by an angry earth faerie...

Also by water_park1993

by birdinggal


Alternate Uses for Illusen's Underappreciated Prizes
The main use and three alternate uses of the five cheapest prizes from Illusen's Glade.

by rosabellk


Return of the Crimson Witch: Part Two
"Nothing yellow's ever amounted to anything," Edna said knowingly.

by herdygerdy


Cycle of the Moon: Part Nine
The night of the Lunar Festival had arrived, and with it had come the spirits of the five senses, good and evil, to enjoy their few hours of freedom before the new year arrived.

by reggieman721

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