The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 196,761,390 Issue: 705 | 30th day of Collecting, Y17
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Scroll Of The Wise: Part 5

Stand and deliver!

by fourin
Eclectic Antics: Hollow's Eve

She's not your stereotypical witch...

by amarettoball
Janet and Jane: Halloween

You should see what she did the the Fresh Food shop!

by chasing_stars44
Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 4

He set me up! You should have seen his smug smile! You know I didn't take them! (I really like the Times, it's great.)

by june_scarlet
The Sloth Faerie

Oh no no no...

Also by stephsie

by tarake_7_7_7

Anniversary - Part 6

Tch, peasants.

by caylista
The Adventures of Kad and Drooly: Part 2

Ugh, the drool machine is back

by iciclefaerie05
Accident Prone

Frozen apple.

by hauntedbywonderland
Fuzzeh Logic: Halloween

Plushies can be scary too!

by jackjack1234
The Perfect Costume

It's perfect!

by icanhaskaila
A Spooky Halloween: Part 4

Komo had a lot of free time...

by ghostkomorichu
You're Never Safe

Told you so.

by queen_potema
That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles on Halloween

KC and Xag try to prepare for Halloween!

by pikemaster1
A Tie for First

Did you see Susy and Martha? That was so awkward!

Also by tizzlestix

by msjanny

A Hungry Halloween


Also by bha288

by chai7705

The Evil-ution of Edna

They all start somewhere

Artwork by lucifael.

by iluminescent

Neocity - Halloween

There ain't no rest for the painted.

by wiley1080
Stay Strong with Team Brawn: Forever Spooky

Uh, a little help here?

Also by Tex707

by alexise1998

The Halloween Whack A Sloth Party

Step right up!

Art by sophieauditore

by mustikeuh121

Freak-out - Everybody's a Critic

Trick or Treat!

by ichigostars
An Unexpected Appearance

Wow, that's all it takes?

by fooshfuush
Royal Pain: Halloween

One of us is gonna have to change.

by winner19955
Peanut Butter Spiders

.... just how?

by roxanna203



by placebo_533

Or Something Like It: Wrap Battle

Have a pun-tastic Halloween!

Written by Sarika_Ambrielle

by kittie_orion

Two Of A Kind!

At least you dont have to worry about a Halloween costume!

by halloweenkomoris
Search the Neopian Times


"Friday: Therapy Session II" by vanquishee
After reading the Neopian Times and seeing the rave reviews about Neopia’s famed Psychologist who could explore anyone’s underlying behavioural and socioemotional problems about themselves, The Neo-citizen took it on himself to see him. Initially, The Neo-citizen never believed in psychology - to him it was just another money-grabbing scheme, but after reading the reviews and seeing a familiar tyrant, who was known in Neopia Central for raining on people’s day, profusely apologizing and trying his best to rectify all the wrong he had done in the past, he figured he’d try it out. The reason being was because The Neo-citizen desperately needed a good night’s rest. Due to his lack of sleep, his quality of work had declined and his employer was getting fed up.

Other Stories


Behind The Doors
There it is. The rusted door. The object of nightmares and hallucinations, and yet you stand right in front of it. Of course, whenever you're curious about something, it always leads to trouble in one form or another, you days of Neoschool being a prime example. But this time, it all started with a vacation.

by rainy_387


I feel weird. Sometimes I hold a book like a child. Sometimes I wonder why I have never gotten used to my own appearance. I wonder why I can’t socialize. Why nothing worked out for me. Sometimes I stare down at my hands, wondering where I went wrong.

by ellbot1998


Neopian Dining: “Trick-or-Treat” Edition
Welcome to an extra-spooky installment of Neopian Dining, where I take you around Neopia in search of its most amazing foods! Tonight, I’ll be putting the spotlight on the homes of Neopia’s best candy: the places where you can get the most for your Neopoint and ensure all your trick-or-treaters leave your porch happy!

by lycheeprincess


Halloween Costume Ideas: 11 Spooky Characters
It's that time of year again: the night seems a little bit darker, the air seems a little bit colder, and pets are dressing up in costumes to celebrate Halloween.Without further ado, here are 12 famous spooky characters that make some of the trendiest Halloween costumes this year.

Also by 1_ricky_1

by sacados


A Queen's Ascension - Justice: Part Six
Nabile, Tomos, Vyssa and a group of six Eyrie guards reached the well early in the morning. Passing the nearby village (with all in disguise as a group of peasants) had not been difficult, as only the shepherds were awake, so they slipped past largely unnoticed. The well seemed more imposing than before, with everything now knowing what was beneath it.

by dudeiloled


The Amulet's Curse: Part One
She crept along the ice silently. One sound and she’d be discovered - all of their effort would be for nothing. Carefully, she thought as she delicately walked across the slippery floor. If something were to happen to her it would be all over, everything would be lost…

by corrina404

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