Neopian Dining: “Trick-or-Treat” Edition by lycheeprincess
Welcome to an extra-spooky installment of Neopian Dining, where I take you around Neopia in search of its most amazing foods! I’m your host, Chagum the Bori. Now, let’s talk Halloween! It’s one of Neopia’s favorite holidays— a magical night to dress up as whatever you wish, run around wild with your friends, and of course, snag lots of free candy! But all that candy had to come from somewhere, right? And if you’ve decided to stay home and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters this year, you’re probably wondering, “Where’s the best place to stock up?” This is where I come in. Tonight, I’ll be putting the spotlight on the homes of Neopia’s best candy: the places where you can get the most for your Neopoint and ensure all your trick-or-treaters leave your porch happy! So grab a Candy Corn Latte and pull up a chair! 5. Faerie Foods Faerie Foods, while not technically a candy shop, is a great place to find magical treats for all the little Illusens and Fyoras that’ll be knocking on your door this Halloween. But don’t worry, this store isn’t all glitter, sunshine, and faerie dust— it carries lots of unexpectedly dark treats that even Jhudora would gobble right up! Of course, some of Faerieland’s most celebrated foods are its popular Faerie Bubbles. The delicate sugary spheres boast gooey fillings made from real berry and fruit juices. While Cherry and Raspberry are some of the more common flavors, I particularly like the idea of handing out Voidberry Faerie Bubbles for Halloween. If you’re looking to pay homage to a certain dark faerie, Jhudoras Toffee Rolls are a simple, yet delicious way to do it. Jhudora Gum is another fun idea. Unlike the scads of candy corn trick-or-treaters will be going home with, gum won’t seem passé after the holiday is over. And don’t tell the Tooth Faerie I said this, but everyone loves a good Faerie Straw. Each one is filled to the brim with flavored sugar. The Jhudora Faerie Straw would be a nice pick, but I like the carnapepper-flavored Fire Faerie Straw, too… it really packs a punch! 4. Neopian Health Foods When the owner of Neopian Health Foods approached me about being featured on this special edition of Neopian Dining, I was a little surprised. I’m by no means a perfect Neopet, but I’d like to think I’m not bad enough to hand out raisins on Halloween! After some thinking— and, I’m not going to lie, there was that ten-thousand neopoint gift certificate that showed up on my doorstep— I decided to head on over and check out some of Neopia’s healthier confections. Upon my arrival, I was unsurprised to see an array of granola bars and dried fruits on the shelves. Yes, I love a healthy snack, but I would be mortified to drop a Cantelope Fruit Cup into someone’s trick-or-treat pail. It feels like leaving coal in somebody’s Christmas stocking; it’s just not right! Before long, the spritely Quiggle cashier noticed who I was and rushed over to lead me to the correct aisle— the Halloween aisle! Here, I was greeted by many a pleasant surprise. Honey sticks are a fall standard in Neopia, and while you may not think of them as a health food, they’re far less sugary than a lollipop or Chocolate Nova. The store carries them in several flavors, my personal favorite being the Chokato Honey Sticks. A great thing about these treats: they store particularly well. Looking for something particularly festive? Your trick-or-treaters will go wild for Pumpcorn— popcorn-sized pumpkins are lightly toasted, then tossed in pumpkin pie spice. What a delicious and fun treat to celebrate fall! This is what I’ll actually be handing out this Halloween, although I’d be lying if I told you I’m not going to be saving any for myself… Neopian Health Foods makes it easy to get in an extra serving of fruit (or two or three) this Halloween. Its adorable JubJub Fruit Leathers are available in both Cherry and Lemon flavors. And, for an exciting twist, how about giving a Cube-Shaped Strawberry a try? That’s right… the store sells fruits in all kinds of wacky shapes that will have even the pickiest Neopets wanting more. I personally love the idea of giving out Cone-Shaped Watermelons; their shape makes them very portable, which makes them a nice little snack for a trick-or-treater on the go. 3. Kiko Lake Treats Though Kiko Lake is certainly a little off the beaten path, its eclectic confectionery makes it well worth the trip. If you want to be really unique, hand out candy from Kiko Lake Treats to all the little ghouls and goblins in your neighborhood this year! The store’s trademark: its hand-made Rock Sticks, which also come sliced into little coin-sized pieces. They’re a Neopian classic, and an inexpensive one, at that! However, they’re not really popular amongst trick-or-treaters. Trust me— I’ve eaten many a Banana and Chocolate Rock Stick that my sister Farrinya didn’t want! Not to worry, though. Kiko Lake Treats has its own versions of Halloween favorites that are sure to delight. How about a Candy, Caramel, or Peanut Kiko Apple? (If you ask nicely, the Kiko behind the counter will wrap them up for you so they don’t make a sticky mess in your bag!) And, of course, everyone loves a Cheese Kiko Popcorn Ball. Ever wonder why they taste so good? Well, that’s because they’re made with real cheese from grass-fed Kaus! The store also has its own line of Candy Floss in Kiko-shaped packaging that will look absolutely delightful in any trick-or-treat pail. The Unguberry Kiko Candy Floss is my favorite; unguberries have a slight bitterness to them that keeps this candy from getting sickly sweet. 2. Spooky Food You can’t talk Halloween candy without mentioning this old haunt… who doesn’t shop here? Trick-or-treating just wouldn’t be the same without Gummy Rats and Peanut Butter Spiders. And Spooky Food is a great place to buy lots of candy inexpensively. As one might imagine, it gets very, very crowded here this time of year, and that can make for a stressful experience. And are you really going to try and fight a Werelupe for the last pack of Ghost Marshmallows? I think not. I recommend you go during the off-hours so you have plenty of time to browse around without feeling rushed. While it might be satisfying to buy a big old bag of Chocolate Covered Peanuts and be done with it, it never hurts to try something different. One of Spooky Food’s best hidden gems is its Haunted Pumpkin Bar— a creamy pumpkin nougat filling inside a crunchy candy shell. If you’re feeling mischievous, Brain Candy Mix might be your treat of choice this Halloween, but I would also have something a little less frightening ready for the younger pets that come knocking on your door. (How about Halloween Jubjub Candies?) Want to be a trendsetter? Pass out Candy Corn Fizzy Drinks this year. But be warned— some pets aren’t allowed to have fizzy drinks, and this one is especially sugary. 1. The Chocolate Factory No trip to Neopia Central is complete without a stop at The Chocolate Factory; this place is legendary! (Did you know this is where the annual Chocolate Ball is held?) Set on a luxurious property in the Neopian Bazaar, the Factory’s sprawling selection of chocolates, gummies, and lollipops is sure to delight. There’s truly something for everyone here. One sweet treat that has been gaining popularity this year are the Sugar Skulls that are sold here. Creepy, yet colorful and cute, these unconventional candies are super-trendy and are sure to impress discerning trick-or-treaters. I like the Uni Sugar Skull the best. Want to be the most popular pet on the block? Better grab a boxful of full-sized chocolate bars to hand out this year! My personal favorite is the Chocolate Honey Buzz Bar. It’s unexpectedly decadent, and the honey used in it is actually made on-site by local Springabees, so this is a treat you can really feel good about indulging in. And if chocolate in bar shapes are a little plain for your liking, then how about chocolate in Neopet shapes? All species from Draiks to Moehogs are represented in the Factory’s selection of pet-shaped treats. These are a great way to add a little whimsy to your candy dish! But perhaps you’re working on a budget this year. No worries! The Factory’s line of Usuki Gum, which they sell in four flavors, is quite inexpensive and is always a massive hit with trick-or-treaters.