Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 119,635,638 Issue: 241 | 26th day of Hunting, Y8
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What's the point?

by sharkies

An usuki sale......?

by bluberrie3
A Day in Kiko Lake

What a lovely day...

by rose_cel
The Mysterious Symol Hole

Let's go over the plan again.

Story by _tsura_

by frayedknot

Lesson 272: SuAP

What items are most effective in the Battledome?

by _mauwie_
Happy Birthday!!

I guess that's why they say, "Look before you leap."

by yanelis02

I feel so dizzy...

by nightakira
Squirrilia's Pages: Cheating

This game cheats.....

by accasperberry3
The Neopals

This soda rocks! What is it?

by roxanne_vergara99
Been There, Done That!

Breaking news!

Art by mara_s

by dittomania

The (Mis)Adventures of Gore

Never play dress-up when your brother is home.

Written by anjie

by chivo

Operation Zafara

This comic is brought to you by the "Forever Zafaras" Guild and is part of a series about the mischievous Neopets!

by x_marks_the_spot
Questionable Taste

I hear you're scared of puppets.

Icon drawn by lightningryu

by anti_doirn

Land of Pacman

Who will save the poor rock?

by pacmanite
Cracked Up

Stone Snowballs?

by cnegri33
Summer's Escapades

A dragon flies past overhead.

Plot by ttropicalgurl

by nirvanaxd

Kauvara's Magic Shop

Restocking has never been so painful.

by xlaq

Hate is such a strong word.

by saphijaze

The dangers of some food.

by hauntedheroine
Crunchy in Milk

Save me!

by koji_phoenix
Sticky Situation

Once upon a time...

Drawn by glowing_banana

by drewcr2525

Lord of the Lost!

Rainbow Gun! Yes!!

by gliderames
Daily Neopian Mischief


by kitty33133
Slinky Says...

Wakey wakey.

by macabreinside
Something Has Happened 3.0

Don't you just love those last 15 minutes on the Beauty Contest boards? Xarkac does...

by ravenatore
The Cybunny of the Silence

The treasure of the lost city...

by castor112010

The mysterious thief makes sure that he wasn't heard...

by ssjelitegirl
Today in Neopia

Not the rock icon again!

by eyeslikestars

Balloons are dangerous!

by elise24770
Better Pay That Bill...


Art by lusethkinabaki

by _china_girl_

Art of Randomness #2: And THAT is why some Pets Glow

Caution: Hazardous material.

by flippyflop771
Spoonful of Morals

The evils of Tyrannian Quiggles...

by seiya_from_ashes
Koi Tastic!

Koi Day today! Come party!

by ashamingly
Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie

The Draco Debacle Part 10

by the_darkjedi
Koi Will Be Koi

A Koi's greatest fear: the toilet...

by blumaroocrazy21
Search the Neopian Times


"It's Not Worth It" by weaponstar
Drano7463 opened one eye, and then shut it again as a wave of harsh sunlight flooded into the room. He began counting under his breath. "One… two… three… four…" There was muffled banging from the next room. "Five… six… seven…" A door burst open. "Eight…" And then slammed shut. "Nine…" Drano's bedroom door was flung violently open...

Other Stories


Lost Desert Chronicles: The Friendship
Thinking of the stories of treasure in the Lost Desert, a land he had heard of but never seen, he steered his boat toward it...

by catsrcool41


Kayla's Valentine
Her red fur touched something cold that felt like metal. She clenched her paw around it and withdrew. It was a dusty photo frame...

by mew_mew_matrimony


Faerie Secrets: Rise of Faerieland
But even with its majesty and splendor, Faerieland still hides within its clouds the mystery of how it rose up from Neopian surface and has remained afloat for ages.

by kaidoh42


Interview With a Maniac
The Scorchio cackled and shooed us out of the lab. “SAME TIME TOMORROW!” he shouted loudly...

by lama12122


Return of the Double Agent: Part Nine
"The king calls you to the Dining Hall," said the guard on her right. Those words were enough to make Cylene freeze completely on the spot...

Also by shadowcristal

by precious_katuch14


A Quest Unlike Any Other: Part Two
"Hey, TC," he called. "Is it still okay for me to go to the Lost Desert today? I really want to try my luck on the Fruit Machine. And visit Qasala, and-"

by toffee_choc

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