For an easier life Circulation: 119,635,638 Issue: 241 | 26th day of Hunting, Y8
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Continued Series

Tropical Tragedy: Search for the Jungly Jem - Part Five

I glanced to the right of the crowd to see a lonely Maraquan Kyrii sulking in a seaweed bed...

by cheopspyramid
Return of the Double Agent: Part Nine

"The king calls you to the Dining Hall," said the guard on her right. Those words were enough to make Cylene freeze completely on the spot...

Also by shadowcristal

by precious_katuch14

The Five Sacred Stones of Geraptiku: Part Six

The next morning, I decided to return to Geraptiku. I had to see it again...

by dan4884
The Path to Freedom: Part Four

"I am Illusen's niece," she said proudly. Then her eyes filled with sorrow. "The niece she never knew she had..."

by bathschool123
The Fall of Qasala: Part Four

"Qasala will only ever belong to the King or Queen of the city, and will never bow down to Sakhmet. You can try to destroy it, but be warned: we will fight back..."

by danama
The Lost King of Geraptiku: Part Three

"Gosh, Zar," thought Donis, "Can you believe I've been here for a whole year?"

by violajunky
Nothing is As it Seems: Part Three

"Has anyone considered telling them the truth? Fyora will listen!" Rance said hopefully, desperately. "She has to!"

by estantia
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Three

Mareian smiled her cutest smile. "There's a Gelert who owes me something, a royal one who goes by the name of Jasagh; I don't suppose you've heard anything of him?"

by nimras23
A Weak Heart: Part Two

She thought for a minute, chewing on her lip and wringing her hands. "The bedroom!" she cried suddenly, racing past me into the small room my brother and I shared...

by literalluau
A Quest Unlike Any Other: Part Two

"Hey, TC," he called. "Is it still okay for me to go to the Lost Desert today? I really want to try my luck on the Fruit Machine. And visit Qasala, and-"

by toffee_choc
The Forgotten Faerieland: Part Two

Tuirsa tentatively spoke to Luce first. "Luce, I fear that Baelia is somehow planning the downfall of faerie pets. I don't know how I know this, but it's a deep feeling I have."

by ewagon
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"Because You're Cursed" by kidagakash_nedakh
"Aaaaccchhhhooooooo!" He sneezed and that's when it hit him. Cautiously, he scratched his ear again and noticed the puff of fur that fell and surrounded him. "Oh, no!!!!" he screamed. "My fur is falling off!" Panicked, Simba stumbled back into his room and frantically looked around his bedroom...

Other Stories


Glass Stone
The Obsidian Dagger was the thorn in the side of the rich, but no hero of the poor. One person profited from what he did, and he was the one doing it...

by neesboy


The Dreamer
Neopia knows her from the Book of Ages and a constellation fashioned in her honor hangs in our night sky, but there is another story in her past, one that precedes the tale in the Book of Ages...

by dark_goddess_rising


Whack-A-Kass Game Guide
Let's start out with some basic hints. The best time to whack Kass is when the meter/second is at seven, eight, or nine.

by fallenxfaithz


Going the Royal Way
So you finally decided which pet to paint royal? Good. Well, actually, think again.

by phanthasm


Sticky Situation
Once upon a time...

Drawn by glowing_banana

by drewcr2525


Operation Zafara
This comic is brought to you by the "Forever Zafaras" Guild and is part of a series about the mischievous Neopets!

by x_marks_the_spot

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