Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 187,658,734 Issue: 524 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y13
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The Secrets Behind Governor Gavril McGill

Months ago, back in July, a very memorable event happened. A giant squid emerged from the depths of the unknown, wrapped its enormous tentacles around Krawk Island and pulled it down into the sea...

by kaddiez
What Is There To Do When You Have Done It All?

These are just a few suggestions based on my 10 years of playing Neopets and existence in Neopia!

by flippy_85
Top Ten Wearables For Babies - Part Two

I'm creating a Part Two to my original list, with ten more wearables, both NP and NC, that work well with these adorable Babies.

by auraichadora
Books You Should Never Let Your Siblings Read

If you ever see the following books anywhere near your siblings, you must decide quickly...

by msdelirium
Top 10 Locations to Build Your Neohome

With 19 locations across Neopia to choose from, deciding on the perfect place to settle down with your Neopets can be a difficult decision.

by mercy_angel
How to Comfort Daily Pets

Disease, decrease of stats, and items getting stolen can really take a toll on you. But can you imagine how your pet must feel?

by natverdi
Lilo Blumario Interview

Today, Roo Island Networks brings you something very special indeed!

by pump
Team Brawn: Recuperating After an Obvious Miscount

To help recover from this tragedy, there are a few remedies you can do right now!

by ihangwithvampires
Exclusive Wishing Well Interview

My first reaction was, wait... What.... OMG NOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAY.

Also by mikh26

by blue_eyed_tiger_j

Colors and Fitting Decorations for Wockies

Seven colors to make your Wocky look attractive.

by gemini3862
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Interview: Lilo Blumario

Today, Roo Island Networks brings you something very special indeed! It's been months since the last Altador Cup, and there's no doubt the general public are itching for a little bit of information about the surprisingly low ranking of crowd favorite - Roo Island! This interview will be conducted by Billsworth, a Yooyuball enthusiast. Over to you, Bill...

Other Stories


No one sane would actually want to visit the Beast.

by warriorsrock965


The Case of the Pilfered Painting
"No! It can't be!" she cried in a hoarse whisper. "Fyora forbid, my lovely painting – it's gone!"

by nafisa_s_rasul


The Doctor's Tale: Part Three
I shivered. Maybe I had been brought to Terror Mountain. Maybe I was outside the Snowager's cave, waiting to be fed to him.

by madidogs88


Treasure Lost: Part Six
"I was beginning to think that no one would come to witness the conclusion of my finest experiment."

by vampiroteuthus


Random Oddness
Starring Taelia, the man-faerie.

by mistyqee


Negg Sandwich
Are those... someone's dentures!?

by bubblegoldfish

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