Meow Circulation: 187,658,734 Issue: 524 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y13
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New Series

Four Thirteens1: The Haunted Cottage - Part One

Well, it all started a couple of months ago on a warm and sunny Saturday...

by yoshifan272
To The Rescue?: Part One

This just in! Reports of missing petpets are everywhere, starting in Neopia Central and all across to Tyrannia!

by luna4400
Child of the Drenched: Intrigue in Faerieland - Part One

"Seriously, why do you both have to go?" Garin was complaining. "My first mate and my sorceress at once, the ship is practically begging to be attacked by other pirates."

by kristykimmy
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"The Case of the Pilfered Painting" by nafisa_s_rasul
Artimin looked at the paintings. He had his notebook in one hand, and was chewing the end of his pencil with a look of deep thought on his face. The young Brown Lutari was evidently quite puzzled. This was to be his first major case as a private detective. His method was simple – always go by facts and nothing but facts, and treat even the slightest detail as a possible clue...

Other Stories


"Marie, it's your lucky day. You're getting adopted."

by pjrbook23


The Unsuspected Treasure
Phileus was sailing alone in his little ship a short distance from the shore. A scowl was etched in his face as if in stone, and he certainly was not happy, nor was he in harmony with anything...

by hawkmissle


Exclusive Wishing Well Interview
My first reaction was, wait... What.... OMG NOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAY.

Also by mikh26

by blue_eyed_tiger_j


Top 10 Locations to Build Your Neohome
With 19 locations across Neopia to choose from, deciding on the perfect place to settle down with your Neopets can be a difficult decision.

by mercy_angel


How Nifty~
Close enough!

by kirimiso


Neopet Comics
Sometimes ones and zeroes arrange themselves to form pictures of Lupes and things!

by lil_jen_aside

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