Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 187,658,734 Issue: 524 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

At least the Queen allowed me to rename my lair Jhudora's Bluff; if I'd had to call it Jhudora's Glade I would have screamed. Loudly. And probably blown up a few things for good measure.

Wearables For Babies

Back in Issue 506, I wrote an article that mentioned my top ten wearables for babies. However, since I wrote that article, I found so many more wearables that fit our lovely Baby pets, and so I'm creating a Part Two to my original list, with ten more wearables, both NP and NC, that work well with these adorable Babies. Of course, like with my last...

Interview: Lilo Blumario

Today, Roo Island Networks brings you something very special indeed! It's been months since the last Altador Cup, and there's no doubt the general public are itching for a little bit of information about the surprisingly low ranking of crowd favorite - Roo Island! This interview will be conducted by Billsworth, a Yooyuball enthusiast. Over to you, Bill...

Books To Hide From Siblings

An older brother who enjoys beating you up? A little sister who thinks she is royalty and demands to be treated as such or else she throws a tantrum? Do you have an annoying little brother who just won't be quiet? Or perhaps that scary older sister who you just know is out to get you and take the bigger bedroom? If so, it is important that you read this! If you ever see the following books anywhere near your siblings, you must decide...

Other Stories
"Child of the Drenched: Intrigue in Faerieland" by kristykimmy
The waves crashed gently on the shore and Mara closed her eyes and just felt the water, its massive presence always a part of her. She opened her eyes and looked over at her companions, a Red Kyrii and a Yellow Usul. "Hurry up already, Jacques!" the Maractite Usul called. "Give us a minute, Mara. You're always so impatient," Jacques called back. "You're always two minutes late!"

"Adopted" by pjrbook23
My name is Marie and I'm an Usul. I was abandoned shortly after my owner made me. It was a hard fact to accept, but I have accepted it. I now have a new owner named P.J. and a 'sister' named Ariana, who is an Ixi. Yes, life is sweet now, but it wasn't that way in the beginning. It took a long time to stop feeling adopted. It all started with my first owner dropping me off at the Pound. For his protection I won't...

"The Case of the Pilfered Painting" by nafisa_s_rasul
Artimin looked at the paintings. He had his notebook in one hand, and was chewing the end of his pencil with a look of deep thought on his face. The young Brown Lutari was evidently quite puzzled. This was to be his first major case as a private detective. His method was simple – always go by facts and nothing but facts, and treat even the slightest detail as a possible clue...

Tis The Season For Hot Cocoa

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Coffee Shop
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Great stories!


The mountain's peak was near; the unforgiving winds that buffeted the Gnorbu princess's frame told her as much.

by ghost_goose


A Renewed Hope: Part Four
She found Ria in the Training Room, expertly slashing dummies with a sword. "Um... Ria? What are you doing?" Janice asked, surprised.

by chimie119


Books You Should Never Let Your Siblings Read
If you ever see the following books anywhere near your siblings, you must decide quickly...

by msdelirium


Search for the Wishing Well
Wait, did somebody say Wishing Well?! *floods the editorial submissions*

by serebii251


Meepit Juice Headache
The meepits appear to be climbing a tree! You run outside and watch in horror as the meepits all climb, spread out around the tree chanting for their juice.

by faeirian

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