Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 187,658,734 Issue: 524 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y13
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Continued Series

Beautiful Chaos: Part Six

"We've been walking for hours and we're no closer to Cedrik or the Citadel!" Leo grumbled, as he noticed the faintest rays of the rising sun coming over the hills. "We've walked in circles ALL NIGHT."

by tanikagillam
Treasure Lost: Part Six

"I was beginning to think that no one would come to witness the conclusion of my finest experiment."

by vampiroteuthus
What's in a Name?: Part Five

"Is that the best you've got!?" she mocked over the din of the magical battle. "Even combined, you're nothing! Let me show you what a real witch can do!"

by herdygerdy
Switched Beings, Switched Minds: Part Four

Then Xavier began to laugh. "Oh, all's well. Just a bit of a mix-up, that's all," he explained. "You know, three people. Three objects. Didn't think such a spell existed, but..."

by thornfoot2
A Renewed Hope: Part Four

She found Ria in the Training Room, expertly slashing dummies with a sword. "Um... Ria? What are you doing?" Janice asked, surprised.

by chimie119
The Doctor's Tale: Part Three

I shivered. Maybe I had been brought to Terror Mountain. Maybe I was outside the Snowager's cave, waiting to be fed to him.

by madidogs88
Faerie Tales from After the Fall: Part Two

I. Hate. Trees. Trees remind me of Illusen, whom I loathe with all my being.

by mystie06
The Search for a Home and a Friend: Part Two

Spike woke up to the sound of a pan sizzling. He walked to what seemed like a kitchen and saw Jason cooking omelets.

"Good morning! We're going to be eating these on the go. We need to find you a petpet," Jason said.

by hannahcreep

Usuki Singing Stars #11: Patricia's Holiday Miracle - Part Three

"You pounded your daughter!?!?!" Patricia exclaimed.

by downrightdude
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Wearables For Babies

Back in Issue 506, I wrote an article that mentioned my top ten wearables for babies. However, since I wrote that article, I found so many more wearables that fit our lovely Baby pets, and so I'm creating a Part Two to my original list, with ten more wearables, both NP and NC, that work well with these adorable Babies. Of course, like with my last...

Other Stories


The Unsuspected Treasure
Phileus was sailing alone in his little ship a short distance from the shore. A scowl was etched in his face as if in stone, and he certainly was not happy, nor was he in harmony with anything...

by hawkmissle


Prisoner of Stitches
I sat on a tidy shelf, staring straight ahead with unblinking blue eyes. I could not turn to look at the plushies next to me, but I knew what they were.

by potatoobsessed


Top Ten Wearables For Babies - Part Two
I'm creating a Part Two to my original list, with ten more wearables, both NP and NC, that work well with these adorable Babies.

by auraichadora


Team Brawn: Recuperating After an Obvious Miscount
To help recover from this tragedy, there are a few remedies you can do right now!

by ihangwithvampires


Neopian Neophyte - Strange Jobs
The economy *must* be pretty bad.

by leedom111


The New House
Don't you just love our new house?

by wolfspirit200179

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