Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 97,878,627 Issue: 186 | 15th day of Eating, Y7
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Celebrating the Neopian Times

I would like pay contribution the Neopian Times and the Neopians that have made it happen. This article is dedicated to all their hard work and effort they put into the Neopian Times to make it the best it can be.

by raghbin10
New Neopia, New Pets?

With the quickly increasing rate of new Neopets species appearing, who knows what could be next? The next Neopet isn't too far away, that's for sure, but what will it be, what can we expect?

Also by precious_katuch14

by tambourine_chimp

Dueling Quills: The Neoboards

Enough of her mumbling. My name is Guy, and I am the one with the better opinion on this topic. I believe that the Neoboards are the best thing to ever come to Neopia. A feeling of warmth and happiness comes over me whenever I even mention them. I feel all bubbly inside right now. Bubbles. Warmth.

Also by springsteen0991

by laura3105

An Interview with Jhudora

Dragging her partner in crime by the sleeve, Hu dashed towards the menacing purple cloud where they were expected. Hu carefully pushed the large maroon door open and there she was...

Also by humblely

by hottamale0774

The Ten Golden Rules of NeoQuest II

So, you dare to play NQII. You dare to go head-to-head with evil monsters, scary villains, and huge red Draiks wanting Faerieland domination, eh? Well, you came to the right game. But…

by precious_katuch14
The Guild Council: Why is a Spot SO Crucial?

In most average sized to big guilds, the leader doesn't choose just ANYONE to be on have that special position on their council. They have to be active, kind, loyal, have good ideas, be good at recruiting members, or maybe be good at HTML.

by girlsarefun
Neopoint EATERS

Hoping to tell Neopians about the dangers of Neopoint Eaters, a sarcastic reporter investigates the top 10 Eaters.

by tigerfriend1691
Neopets Trading Card Game: Back to Basics

Neopets TCG is a fast moving game, and with the right cards, it’s possible to win even on your fourth or fifth turn! With a simple deck of little more than common bank fours and a few well-chosen Equipments, even a beginner can win this game.

by neopian_queen_liana
Behind the Scenes - A Neopets HQ Tour

A few of us even paw through fan sites in hopes of uncovering more information about The Neopets Team. This December, I took a tour through the Headquarters with the art contest winners (from the 2004 mall tour) and learned a bit more...

by mayathegreat
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"The Dream of a Kitchen Boy" by ssjelitegirl
The curious eyes belonged to Joey, a young Gelert who worked in the restaurant's kitchen. He had always wanted to become a pirate...

Other Stories


The Dream of a Kitchen Boy
The curious eyes belonged to Joey, a young Gelert who worked in the restaurant's kitchen. He had always wanted to become a pirate but it wasn't half as easy as he had imagined it to be.

by ssjelitegirl


Warf Rescue Team: The Warf That Could
It was a busy spring day -- one of my least favorite seasons, mainly because the Kadoaties wander around outside without their foolish master's supervision, and get themselves stuck in a tree. And that's where the Warf Rescue Team comes in.

by 3dcourtney12044


Prophecy of the Equinox: Part Two
It had been almost ten years since the capture of his sister's egg and the brutal attack of his parents. Though he had been young at the time, Astrovia had helped to care for the tiny blue gemlike shell, polishing it with his breath, humming softly to the stirring life within...

by laurelinden


Hooked On A Snarhook: Part One
Ever since he had first seen a Weewoo, resting on the tree branch outside his window, and heard its gentle calls, he had wanted to work with Petpets; that was definite. But to move to Krawk Island, one of the most dangerous places on Neopia? That had been a big step.

Also by neonick19881988

by imogenweasley


Everyday Adventures of Zack Zafara
Will it come true?

by rufusrockskp


Ugly Old Fortune
You see that in that little ball??

by unicorn_fantasy13

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